The Roanoke Star in red, white, and blue
Roanoke Star on a foggy night [02]
Close-up of the Roanoke Star on a foggy night [01]
Close-up of the Roanoke Star on a foggy night [02]
Roanoke Star on a foggy night [01]
Reflection of the Roanoke Star on wet asphalt [02]
Reflection of the Roanoke Star on wet asphalt [01]
Center of the Roanoke Star
The Roanoke Star, in daylight [01]
The Roanoke Star, in daylight [02]
Stairs on Gathright Dam
Road over Gathright Dam [02]
Road over Gathright Dam [01]
No parking sign on Gathright Dam [01]
Backhoe at Mill Mountain Park [02]
Payphone at Mill Mountain Park [01]
Payphone at Mill Mountain Park [02]
Backhoe at Mill Mountain Park [01]
Roanoke Star in early evening [03]
The Roanoke Star, in daylight [03]
Harry Flood Byrd Bridge [01]
Harry Flood Byrd Bridge [02]
Roanoke Star following Virginia Tech shooting [01]
Roanoke Star following Virginia Tech shooting [02]
Roanoke Star in late afternoon [01]
Roanoke Star in late afternoon [02]
Roanoke Star in late afternoon [03]
Roanoke Star in late afternoon [04]
Roanoke Star in late afternoon [05]
Roanoke Star in late afternoon [06]
Harry Flood Byrd Memorial Bridge [01]
Harry Flood Byrd Memorial Bridge [02]
Harry Flood Byrd Memorial Bridge [03]
Harry Flood Byrd Memorial Bridge [04]
Harry Flood Byrd Memorial Bridge [05]
The Roanoke Star [01]
The Roanoke Star [02]
The Roanoke Star [03]
Grounds of the James River Visitor Center [01]
Grounds of the James River Visitor Center [02]
Grounds of the James River Visitor Center [03]
Harry Flood Byrd Memorial Bridge [06]
Harry Flood Byrd Memorial Bridge [07]
M. Carl Andrews Overlook [01]
M. Carl Andrews Overlook [02]
Parking area behind the Roanoke Star
M. Carl Andrews Overlook at night [01]
M. Carl Andrews Overlook at night [02]
The Roanoke Star, 2018
Downtown Charlottesville from Market Street garage [01]
Remains of a teepee near Rockfish Gap [01]
Remains of a teepee near Rockfish Gap [02]
Remains of a teepee near Rockfish Gap [03]
Remains of a teepee near Rockfish Gap [04]
Remains of a teepee near Rockfish Gap [05]
Remains of a teepee near Rockfish Gap [06]
Swannanoa [02]
Swannanoa [03]
Swannanoa [01]
View down Lew Dewitt Boulevard
The Roanoke Star from above [02]
The Roanoke Star from above [01]
Carved graffiti inside Sounding Knob Fire Tower [01]
View from Sounding Knob Fire Tower [05]
Sounding Knob Fire Tower [03]
Sounding Knob Fire Tower [04]
Staunton Reservoir and Dam [01]
View from Sounding Knob Fire Tower [01]
Interior of Sounding Knob Fire Tower [02]
Sounding Knob Fire Tower [05]
Sounding Knob Fire Tower [07]
View from Sounding Knob Fire Tower [07]
View from Sounding Knob Fire Tower [02]
Carved graffiti inside Sounding Knob Fire Tower [02]
Sounding Knob Fire Tower [02]
View from Sounding Knob Fire Tower [08]
Interior of Sounding Knob Fire Tower [01]
View from Sounding Knob Fire Tower [03]
Sounding Knob Fire Tower [01]
View from Sounding Knob Fire Tower [04]