Bell Canada payphone at West Park Bowling [05]
Bell Canada payphone at West Park Bowling [06]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [02]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [01]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [03]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [04]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [05]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [07]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [06]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [08]
Payphone at Geraci's Slice Shop [01]
Payphone at Geraci's Slice Shop [02]
Alley between North Claremont and North Oakley Avenues [02]
Graffiti on a utility box in an alley
Utility worker in an alley
Communications tower at Sunset Park
Communications tower at Sunset Park
Honda HR-V at Sunset Park [01]
Radio tower on Mary Gray
AT&T Long Lines Cashtown site [20]
AT&T Long Lines Cashtown site [21]
Smokestacks at Chambersburg Power Plant [01]
Smokestacks at Chambersburg Power Plant [02]
Smokestacks at Chambersburg Power Plant [03]
AT&T Long Lines Wye Mills site [01]
AT&T Long Lines Wye Mills site [02]
AT&T Long Lines Wye Mills site [03]
AT&T Long Lines Wye Mills site [04]
AT&T Long Lines Wye Mills site [05]
AT&T Long Lines Wye Mills site [06]
Radio tower in the James River