Chess match in Dupont Circle [01]
Chess match in Dupont Circle [04]
Chess match in Dupont Circle [03]
Chess match in Dupont Circle [02]
Eating lunch at Freedom Plaza
Zentai in front of the Washington Monument
Over 9000 Anon March [17]
Over 9000 Anon March [06]
Snow White Christmas raid [13]
Snow White Christmas raid [12]
Exhaling smoke
Anonymous demonstration at FBI Building [02]
Express hawker at Glenmont
Forward on Climate Rally [29]
Busker outside Dupont Circle station
Mannequins at Lord & Taylor
Shoes on a power line [01]
Shoes on a power line [02]
Selfie on WMATA railcar 6042
DASH Orion V farewell [15]
DASH Orion V farewell [16]
DASH Orion V farewell [17]
Silver Line cookie