Flush only once at Stadium-Armory station
Autocall pull station at Whole Foods Market in Towson, Maryland [02]
Autocall pull station at Whole Foods Market in Towson, Maryland [03]
Autocall pull station at Whole Foods Market in Towson, Maryland [04]
Autocall pull station at Whole Foods Market in Towson, Maryland [01]
"BAR OPEN" sign at the Bearded Clam [01]
"NO VACANCY" sign at Ocean Manor [01]
Cork Bar
"BAR OPEN" sign at the Bearded Clam [02]
"NO VACANCY" sign at Ocean Manor [02]
One way and no parking signs along Chicago Avenue
Selfie with Central Time sign [01]
Entering Central Time on I-40 [04]
Selfie with Central Time sign [02]
Entering Central Time on I-40 [02]
Jeep Renegade at Central Time sign [02]
Entering Central Time on I-40 [05]
Jeep Renegade at Central Time sign [01]
Entering Central Time on I-40 [03]
Jeep Renegade at Central Time sign [03]
Intersection of Western Avenue, West Summit Hill Drive, Henley Street, and Broadway [02]
Intersection of Western Avenue, West Summit Hill Drive, Henley Street, and Broadway [01]
Remains of Buc-ee's brisket sandwich
Entering Central Time on I-40 [01]
Entering Eastern Time on I-40
Elyse poses with a fire alarm pull station
Urinal at Roanoke Valley Harley-Davidson
Interstate 95 from South Street Pedestrian Walkway [03]
Interstate 95 from South Street Pedestrian Walkway [04]
Interstate 95 from South Street Pedestrian Walkway [02]
Interstate 95 from South Street Pedestrian Walkway [01]
One World Trade Center at night [01]
Sign for Ferdi Italian Cuisine
One World Trade Center at night [02]
One World Trade Center at night [03]
One World Trade Center at night [04]
World Trade Center Memorial [01]
World Trade Center Memorial [02]
The Oculus
Townhouse lit up in red
Trash bags along Hudson Street
Parking signs on Duffield Street
Clock on Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower
View from Madison Avenue and East 23rd Street, facing south [01]
View from Madison Avenue and East 23rd Street, facing south [02]
Clock on top of an information kiosk at Grand Central Terminal [01]
Clock on top of an information kiosk at Grand Central Terminal [03]
Clock on top of an information kiosk at Grand Central Terminal [02]
Walmart Supercenter on Boulevard Maloney in Gatineau, Quebec [13]
Call for management for large bills
Buildings along the 300 block of Yonge Street
Fire alarm pull station at Hudson's Bay Queen Street [02]
Bilingual fire alarm pull station at Toronto Pearson International Airport [01]
Bilingual fire alarm pull station at Toronto Pearson International Airport [02]
Bilingual fire alarm pull station at Toronto Pearson International Airport [03]
Interior of Washington National Airport [02]
Simplex fire alarm pull station at Taylor Hall [01]
Simplex fire alarm pull station at Taylor Hall [02]
Simplex fire alarm pull station at Taylor Hall [03]
Simplex fire alarm pull station at Taylor Hall [04]
Simplex fire alarm pull station at Taylor Hall [05]
Simplex fire alarm pull station at Taylor Hall [06]
Fire alarm pull station at the Hampton Inn on Citadel Haven Drive
Neon sign at Geraci's Slice Shop
Clock at Ogilvie Transportation Center [01]
Clock at Ogilvie Transportation Center [02]
Former Firehouse Subs in Staunton, Virginia
The Omni Homestead Resort [01]
The Omni Homestead Resort [02]
The Omni Homestead Resort [03]
The Omni Homestead Resort [04]
The Omni Homestead Resort [05]
The Omni Homestead Resort [06]
The Omni Homestead Resort [07]
The Omni Homestead Resort [08]
The Omni Homestead Resort [09]
The Omni Homestead Resort [10]
The Omni Homestead Resort [11]
Aerial view of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina [02]
Aerial view of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina [03]