Train arriving at West Falls Church-VT/UVA station
Train arriving at Arlington Cemetery station
Signage above the platform escalators at Vienna
WMATA railcar 2075
Train stored in the tail track at Huntington [01]
Train stored in the tail track at Huntington [02]
Orange Line train arriving at Cheverly [01]
WMATA Breda 3000-Series car on D Route Bridge
WMATA railcar 5026 at Fort Totten
Red Line train arriving at Brookland-CUA [01]
Purple Line train at Davis station [01]
1000-Series car at Largo Town Center
New Carrollton station [01]
Red Line north of Fort Totten
Orange Line train arriving at New Carrollton
Red Line train arriving at Brookland-CUA [02]
Platform at Franconia-Springfield [02]
Yellow Line train in approach to Huntington station
Orange Line train at West Falls Church
5000-Series railcar at West Falls Church station
Glenmont station [03]
Yellow Line train at Huntington [07]
Yellow Line train at Huntington [08]
Yellow Line train at Fort Totten
WMATA railcar 4039 at Greenbelt [03]
WMATA railcar 4039 at Greenbelt [01]
WMATA railcar 4039 at Greenbelt [02]
New Carrollton station [03]
Train approaches Landover station
CTA Red Line train arriving at Morse
Brown Line at State/Lake station [01]
Brown Line at State/Lake station [02]
Blue Line train at Arlington Cemetery
Yellow Line train departing King Street station
Yellow Line train approaching King Street station
Platform at Franconia-Springfield
Yellow Line train at L'Enfant Plaza station [01]
L'Enfant Plaza station [02]
Yellow Line train at L'Enfant Plaza station [02]
Metro Center station [05]
Metro 7000-Series railcar debut [25]
Metro 7000-Series railcar debut [21]
Metro 7000-Series railcar debut [19]
Metro 7000-Series railcar debut [24]
Metro 7000-Series railcar debut [23]
Metro 7000-Series railcar debut [20]
Metro 7000-Series railcar debut [18]
Metro 7000-Series railcar debut [17]
Metro 7000-Series railcar debut [16]
Metro 7000-Series railcar debut [15]
Metro 7000-Series railcar debut [14]
Metro 7000-Series railcar debut [10]
Metro 7000-Series railcar debut [13]
Metro 7000-Series railcar debut [12]
Metro 7000-Series railcar debut [09]
Metro 7000-Series railcar debut [07]
Metro 7000-Series railcar debut [08]
Metro 7000-Series railcar debut [03]
Metro 7000-Series railcar debut [06]
Metro 7000-Series railcar debut [04]
Metro 7000-Series railcar debut [02]
Metro 7000-Series railcar debut [01]
Metro 7000-Series railcar debut [11]
Metro 7000-Series railcar debut [22]
Metro 7000-Series railcar debut [05]
Metro Center station [08]
New Carrollton station, April 2023 [02]
New Carrollton station, April 2023 [01]
Interior of WMATA railcar 6143 [01]
Interior of WMATA railcar 6143 [02]
Red Line train at Gallery Place-Chinatown upper level
Abandoned pair of shoes on the Metro
Purple and Brown Line trains on the Wells Street Bridge
Purple Line train on Wells Street Bridge [01]
Purple Line train on Wells Street Bridge [02]
Purple Line train on Wells Street Bridge [03]
Brown Line train on Wells Street Bridge [01]
Brown Line train on Wells Street Bridge [01]
Tower 18 interlocking [03]
Tower 18 interlocking [04]