Bridgeforth Stadium at night
Bridgeforth Stadium and Plecker Athletic Performance Center
Scoreboard at Bridgeforth Stadium
Hot Rod Cafe
Stuarts Draft High School stadium [01]
Stuarts Draft High School stadium [02]
Waynesboro High School [06]
Buffalo Gap High School [01]
Buffalo Gap High School [02]
Buffalo Gap High School [03]
Buffalo Gap High School [04]
Buffalo Gap High School [05]
Buffalo Gap High School [06]
Stuarts Draft school campus
Paint Branch High School [14]
Paint Branch High School [15]
Paint Branch High School [16]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [01]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [02]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [03]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [04]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [05]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [06]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [07]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [08]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [09]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [10]
Zable Stadium and Cary Field [01]
Zable Stadium and Cary Field [02]