World Can't Wait demonstration [02]
World Can't Wait demonstration [01]
Woomy mails a Christmas card
White Castle in Howell, New Jersey
West Main Street in Waynesboro, Virginia [03]
West Main Street in Waynesboro, Virginia [02]
West front of the Capitol [05]
West front of the Capitol [04]
West front of the Capitol [03]
West front of the Capitol [02]
West front of the Capitol [01]
Weekly and daily cleaning list for staterooms
Water fountain on USS Wisconsin
Wardroom on the USS Wisconsin [02]
Wardroom on the USS Wisconsin [01]
Ward Plaza
Walmart in Brockville, Ontario [12]
Walmart in Brockville, Ontario [11]
Walmart in Brockville, Ontario [10]
Walmart in Brockville, Ontario [09]
Walmart in Brockville, Ontario [08]
Walmart in Brockville, Ontario [07]
Walmart in Brockville, Ontario [06]
Walmart in Brockville, Ontario [05]
Walmart in Brockville, Ontario [04]
Walmart in Brockville, Ontario [03]
Walmart in Brockville, Ontario [02]
Walmart in Brockville, Ontario [01]
View out of the window of N88327
View from Rhode Island Avenue station, facing south
View from Old Post Office Tower
View down Pennsylvania Avenue NW from the Old Post Office Tower [02]
View down Pennsylvania Avenue NW from the Old Post Office Tower [01]
Vertical lift bridge across the Elizabeth River
USS Wisconsin [02]
USS Wisconsin [01]
USS Wisconsin at night [03]
USS Wisconsin at night [02]
USS Wisconsin at night [01]
USS Kearsarge at General Dynamics NASSCO facility [02]
USS Kearsarge at General Dynamics NASSCO facility [01]
USS Jason Dunham at General Dynamics NASSCO facility [02]
USS Jason Dunham at General Dynamics NASSCO facility [01]
USGS benchmark at Etters Roxbury Store [04]
USGS benchmark at Etters Roxbury Store [03]
USGS benchmark at Etters Roxbury Store [02]
USGS benchmark at Etters Roxbury Store [01]
US 29 shield on Rhode Island Avenue NW [02]
US 29 shield on Rhode Island Avenue NW [01]
US 254 shield
Urinal on the USS Wisconsin
United States Capitol from the National Mall
United States Capitol at night [03]
United States Capitol at night [02]
United States Capitol at night [01]
Union Switch & Signal builder's plate
Union shop sticker at Loblaws
U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey benchmark [02]
U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey benchmark [01]
U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey benchmark in downtown Crossville [02]
U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey benchmark in downtown Crossville [01]
Trinity United Methodist Church [03]
Trinity United Methodist Church [02]
Trinity United Methodist Church [01]
Trees on the grounds of Monticello
Treasury Department warehouse
Traffic signal at 4th and West Street
Toyota Previa in Westminster
Tower Bridge with draw span open
Tower Bridge from River Thames
Toilet on the USS Wisconsin
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [34]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [33]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [32]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [31]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [30]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [29]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [28]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [27]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [26]