Fire alarm at West Falls Church station [01]
Fire alarm at West Falls Church station [02]
"Clean your trains"
Platforms at West Falls Church station [04]
Low clearance sign at West Falls Church station
Discarded bag of hot fries
Former Montgomery Ward store in Staunton Mall
University Cleaners
Ballston-MU station, January 2021 [01]
Ballston-MU station, January 2021 [02]
Fishersville, Virginia, near Augusta Health
Chandler Hall [04]
CISAT academic buildings [01]
Overhead view of ISAT/CS tower [02]
Rose Library [02]
Festival Conference and Student Center [04]
Chesapeake Hall [02]
JMU east campus [01]
East Campus Dining Hall
JMU east campus [02]
JMU east campus [03]
Chandler Hall [01]
Festival Conference and Student Center [06]
JMU east campus [04]
CISAT academic buildings [02]
CISAT academic buildings [03]
Overhead view of ISAT/CS tower [01]
Harrisonburg from above JMU east campus parking garage
Chandler Hall [02]
Chandler Hall [03]
Festival Conference and Student Center [05]
Downtown Staunton, Virginia, facing northeast
Pepsi truck outside of a Shell station
Staunton, Virginia from above Sears Hill [01]
Staunton, Virginia from above Sears Hill [04]
Staunton, Virginia from above Sears Hill [03]
Staunton, Virginia from above Sears Hill [02]
Ballston-MU station, view from mezzanine
Muddy water at West Falls Church station
Platforms at West Falls Church station [05]
Sign in front of UVA Primary Care Riverside
Silver Line train at Ballston-MU station [01]
Silver Line train at Ballston-MU station [02]
Silver Line train at Ballston-MU station [03]
Sign in a breakroom at Ballston-MU station
Rosslyn from Georgetown University Library
2 Eaton Street [02]
2 Eaton Street [01]
2 Eaton Street [03]
Elyse looks at a drone
Ballston-MU station, January 2022 [01]
Ballston-MU station, January 2022 [02]
Ballston-MU station, January 2022 [03]
Virginia Sq-GMU station [03]
Gabbin Hall [01]
Men's restroom in Wilson Hall
Connector between Zane Showker Hall and Hartman Hall [01]
Zane Showker Hall [01]
Simplex fire alarm speaker/strobe at D-Hall [01]
Stuffed dog at JMU bookstore
Simplex fire alarm speaker/strobe at D-Hall [02]
Zane Showker Hall [02]
Connector between Zane Showker Hall and Hartman Hall [02]
Mister Chips [02]
"This bin isn't for trash" [01]
Gabbin Hall [02]
Simplex fire alarm speaker/strobe at D-Hall [03]
Main atrium at Hartman Hall [01]
Zane Showker Hall [03]
"This bin isn't for trash" [02]
Gabbin Hall [03]
New D-Hall [01]
Main atrium at Hartman Hall [02]
Lobby of Zane Showker Hall [01]
"This bin isn't for trash" [03]
Gabbin Hall [04]
Sign for Hartman Hall [01]
Lobby of Zane Showker Hall [02]
New D-Hall [02]
Fire alarm pull station in Gabbin Hall