Currituck dredge at Virginia Beach [03]
Currituck dredge at Virginia Beach [04]
Currituck dredge at Virginia Beach [05]
Currituck dredge at Virginia Beach [02]
Currituck dredge at Virginia Beach [01]
Currituck dredge at Virginia Beach [06]
CFW Information Services call center [01]
CFW Information Services call center [02]
CFW Information Services call center [03]
CFW Information Services call center [04]
CFW Information Services call center [05]
CFW Information Services call center [06]
Construction of JMU Bookstore
Work crew on Federal Reserve building
Backhoe at Mill Mountain Park [02]
Backhoe at Mill Mountain Park [01]
Single tracking at Eisenhower Avenue [01]
Single tracking at Eisenhower Avenue [02]
PM35 at Eisenhower Avenue
Facade removal at 1815 North Fort Myer Drive [03]
SimplexGrinnell van
Painting at Turnberry Tower [02]
Painting at Turnberry Tower [01]
Utility construction at Staunton Mall [02]
Utility construction at Staunton Mall [01]
Art space in former power plant [01]
Abandoned bridge pier at Harpers Ferry, at night [01]
Abandoned bridge pier at Harpers Ferry, at night [02]
Abandoned bridge pier at Harpers Ferry, at night [03]
Abandoned bridge pier at Harpers Ferry, at night [04]
Abandoned bridge pier at Harpers Ferry, at night [05]
Abandoned bridge pier at Harpers Ferry, at night [06]
Former tourist information center
Platform reconstruction at West Falls Church station [01]
Toilet at Huntington station
Remodel of Walmart Supercenter in Martinsburg, West Virginia [13]
Remodel of Walmart Supercenter in Martinsburg, West Virginia [14]
Mural on former Casco ice plant
P. Buckley Moss gallery
"Heroes work here!" sign
Buffalo statue at Junction Convenience
Shaft on the USS Wisconsin
Virginia State Capitol [04]
Virginia State Capitol [05]
Virginia State Capitol [06]
Virginia State Capitol [01]
Virginia State Capitol [02]
Virginia State Capitol [03]
Virginia State Capitol [07]
Cranberry's employees must wash their hands
Escalator replacement at Ballston-MU station
Mechanical room at Virginia Square-GMU station
Woomy and me
Art space in former power plant [02]
Art space in former power plant [03]
Ballston terminal [02]
Ballston terminal [01]
"If your card don't work outside, please come inside and pay"
New Arby's in Verona, Virginia [01]
New Arby's in Verona, Virginia [02]
Wilson Workforce and Rehabilitation Center
Overlook at Sunset Park [01]
Overlook at Sunset Park [02]
Picnic shelter at Sunset Park
Restroom building at Sunset Park
Belk store at the former Staunton Mall
Walmart Supercenter in Staunton, Virginia during lighting upgrade [01]
Walmart Supercenter in Staunton, Virginia during lighting upgrade [02]
Walmart Supercenter in Staunton, Virginia during lighting upgrade [03]
Walmart Supercenter in Staunton, Virginia during lighting upgrade [04]
Orange warning sign zip-tied to a lamppost
Site of former P. Buckley Moss Museum [01]
Site of former P. Buckley Moss Museum [02]
Site of former P. Buckley Moss Museum [03]