Currituck dredge at Virginia Beach [03]
Currituck dredge at Virginia Beach [04]
Currituck dredge at Virginia Beach [05]
Currituck dredge at Virginia Beach [02]
Currituck dredge at Virginia Beach [01]
Currituck dredge at Virginia Beach [06]
Removing stairs on the Glenmont water tower
Utility construction at Staunton Mall [02]
Utility construction at Staunton Mall [01]
Spraying water on Webster House
Art space in former power plant [01]
Truck being sprayed with water
Water tower in Owings Mills [01]
Water tower in Owings Mills [02]
Former tourist information center
Debris after power washing [02]
Debris after power washing [01]
Water tower at 233 West 26th Street
Art space in former power plant [02]
Art space in former power plant [03]
Fountain at King of Prussia
Wastewater treatment plant in Cape May, New Jersey [01]
Wastewater treatment plant in Cape May, New Jersey [02]