Rosa Parks bus at The Henry Ford [01]
Rosa Parks bus at The Henry Ford [02]
Rosa Parks bus at The Henry Ford [03]
Rosa Parks bus at The Henry Ford [04]
Oscar Mayer Wienermobile at The Henry Ford [01]
Oscar Mayer Wienermobile at The Henry Ford [02]
Oscar Mayer Wienermobile at The Henry Ford [03]
Men's restroom at The Henry Ford [02]
Men's restroom at The Henry Ford [03]
Men's restroom at The Henry Ford [01]
People Mover sign outside Fort/Cass station
Entrance to Fort/Cass station
Detroit People Mover token [01]
Detroit People Mover token [02]
Platform at Fort/Cass station
Trackside signage at Fort/Cass station
Interior of Detroit People Mover car 11