Ben Schumin Photography Portfolio

Ben Schumin is a professional photographer who captures the intricacies of daily life.

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  • Submerged object sign Submerged object sign
  • Tip jar Tip jar
  • Waves crashing on the rocks [04] Waves crashing on the rocks [04]
  • Waves crashing on the rocks [03] Waves crashing on the rocks [03]
  • Waves crashing on the rocks [02] Waves crashing on the rocks [02]
  • Waves crashing on the rocks [01] Waves crashing on the rocks [01]
  • Mound of sand on the beach [02] Mound of sand on the beach [02]
  • Mound of sand on the beach [01] Mound of sand on the beach [01]
  • Ocean City beach Ocean City beach
  • Beach chairs Beach chairs
  • Beach selfie Beach selfie
  • Sea Scape Motel Parking Sea Scape Motel Parking