Ben Schumin Photography Portfolio

Ben Schumin is a professional photographer who captures the intricacies of daily life.

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  • Flower child selfie Flower child selfie
  • Drone selfie Drone selfie
  • Banana selfie Banana selfie
  • Drone selfie in Newport News Drone selfie in Newport News
  • Post-flight selfie in Covington, Virginia Post-flight selfie in Covington, Virginia
  • Rainbow Crocs Rainbow Crocs
  • Selfie on WMATA railcar 6042 Selfie on WMATA railcar 6042
  • DASH Orion V farewell [15] DASH Orion V farewell [15]
  • DASH Orion V farewell [16] DASH Orion V farewell [16]
  • DASH Orion V farewell [17] DASH Orion V farewell [17]
  • Elyse holds up an MRE Elyse holds up an MRE
  • Elyse is thoroughly amused Elyse is thoroughly amused
  • Elyse looks through the Hot Wheels Elyse looks through the Hot Wheels
  • Elyse sits in the driver's seat of the Renegade Elyse sits in the driver's seat of the Renegade
  • Elyse and Fred buckled in together Elyse and Fred buckled in together
  • Renegade selfie Renegade selfie
  • Elyse and I photograph each other Elyse and I photograph each other
  • Elyse looks out of a 36th floor window Elyse looks out of a 36th floor window