"Adult trick-or-treating" at Bayside Harley-Davidson [01]
"Adult trick-or-treating" at Bayside Harley-Davidson [02]
"Anatomically Correct Bull" [01]
"Anatomically Correct Bull" [02]
"Anatomically Correct Bull" [03]
"Anatomically Correct Bull" [04]
"Art of Noise" sticker on a no parking sign
"BOOM" on a nametag sticker
"DO NOT ENTER" sign on North Central Avenue [01]
"DO NOT ENTER" sign on North Central Avenue [02]
"EVACUATE" strobe at DCA
"I'm pretty clawsome"
"If your card don't work outside, please come inside and pay"
"ILVUSA" license plate
"Just buy the bike..."
"L+A" spray painted on a pegboard
"Littering is illegal" sign [01]
"Littering is illegal" sign [02]
"Please do not disconnect. Speaker is part of fire system. Thank you."
"PLEASE SLOW DOWN" signs along Idylwood Road
"Please use SANITIZER before and after use"
"Positively no trash, smoking, or stock allowed"
"This bin isn't for trash" [01]
"This bin isn't for trash" [02]
"This bin isn't for trash" [03]
"Tipping isn't just for cows"
"Visit Downtown" [01]
"Visit Downtown" [02]
1940 Packard Super Eight in Charlottesville
1955 Chevrolet
1980s-era Walmart name badge
Aaron Stone holds a slice of Pizza [01]
Aaron Stone holds a slice of Pizza [02]
Action alley at Walmart in Waynesboro, Virginia
Active fire alarm at Hotel 24 South
Aerial view of the Roanoke Star [01]
Aerial view of the Roanoke Star [02]
Aerial view of the Roanoke Star [03]
Aerial view of the Roanoke Star [04]
Aerial view of the Roanoke Star [05]
Aerial view of the Roanoke Star [06]
Aerial view of the Roanoke Star [07]
Aerial view of the Roanoke Star [08]
Aerial view of the Roanoke Star [09]
Aerial view of the Roanoke Star [10]
Aerial view of the Roanoke Star [11]
Aerial view of the Roanoke Star [12]
Aerial view of the Roanoke Star [13]
Always Be Prepared Outlet [01]
Always Be Prepared Outlet [02]
American flag over Pal's in Abingdon [01]
American flag over Pal's in Abingdon [02]
Amoco station in Ashland, Virginia [01]
Amoco station in Ashland, Virginia [02]
Arby's on Virginia Beach Boulevard [01]
Arby's on Virginia Beach Boulevard [02]
Armstrong Motel [01]
Armstrong Motel [02]
Armstrong Motel [03]
Armstrong Motel [04]
at Black Dog Salvage
AT&T Long Lines tower in Newport News, Virginia [01]
AT&T Long Lines tower in Newport News, Virginia [02]
AT&T Long Lines tower in Newport News, Virginia [03]
AT&T Long Lines tower in Newport News, Virginia [04]
AT&T Long Lines tower in Newport News, Virginia [05]
AT&T Long Lines tower in Newport News, Virginia [06]
AT&T Long Lines tower in Newport News, Virginia [07]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [09]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [10]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [11]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [12]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [13]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [14]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [15]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [16]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [17]