Ben Schumin Photography Portfolio

Ben Schumin is a professional photographer who captures the intricacies of daily life.

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  • Woman walking across Freedom Plaza Woman walking across Freedom Plaza
  • Woman walking through Dupont Circle Woman walking through Dupont Circle
  • Woman waiting at Ballston-MU station Woman waiting at Ballston-MU station
  • Woman in Lafayette Square Woman in Lafayette Square
  • Reading a book in Dupont Circle Reading a book in Dupont Circle
  • Woman shopping for purses Woman shopping for purses
  • Woman waiting at Fort Totten Woman waiting at Fort Totten
  • Pandemic-related signage at Target [01] Pandemic-related signage at Target [01]
  • Woomy after a trip to IKEA [01] Woomy after a trip to IKEA [01]
  • Woomy after a trip to IKEA [02] Woomy after a trip to IKEA [02]
  • Pandemic-related signage at Target [06] Pandemic-related signage at Target [06]