- Sable at Foamhenge
- Sign at Foamhenge
- Foamhenge from a distance [01]
- Foamhenge from a distance [02]
- Name carved into Foamhenge [01]
- Center of Foamhenge [01]
- Milk carton marking a pipe on Foamhenge
- Foamhenge blocks [01]
- Name carved into Foamhenge [02]
- Foamhenge blocks [02]
- Foamhenge blocks [03]
- Center of Foamhenge [02]
- Foamhenge blocks [04]
- Natural Bridge of Virginia [03]
- Natural Bridge of Virginia [04]
- Natural Bridge of Virginia [05]
- Natural Bridge of Virginia [06]
- Natural Bridge of Virginia [07]
- Natural Bridge of Virginia [08]
- Natural Bridge of Virginia [01]
- Natural Bridge of Virginia [02]
- Foamhenge [03]
- Foamhenge [04]
- Foamhenge [05]
- Foamhenge [06]
- Foamhenge [07]
- Foamhenge [01]
- Foamhenge [02]
- Scott's House [01]
- Scott's House [02]
- Scott's House [03]
- Scott's House [04]
- Scott's House [15]
- Scott's House [58]
- Scott's House [59]
- Scott's House [60]
- Scott's House [61]
- Scott's House [62]
- Scott's House [63]
- Former Bauer residence [02]
- Former Bauer residence [01]
- Abandoned book on a table [01]
- Abandoned book on a table [02]
- Abandoned book on a table [03]
- Camera on tripod photographing abandoned book
- Interstate 76 sign on Green Lane Bridge
- "Picture Petersburg: The Crepe Myrtle City"
- Weathered railroad crossing sign [01]
- Weathered railroad crossing sign [02]
- Weathered railroad crossing sign [03]
- Weathered railroad crossing sign [04]
- Weathered tree trunk along the Coal Road
- Fire alarm at the Tides [01]
- Fire alarm at the Tides [02]