Ben Schumin Photography Portfolio

Ben Schumin is a professional photographer who captures the intricacies of daily life.

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  • National City Christian Church [01] National City Christian Church [01]
  • National City Christian Church [02] National City Christian Church [02]
  • National City Christian Church [03] National City Christian Church [03]
  • "This church is prayer conditioned" "This church is prayer conditioned"
  • "When we do small things, God can make it big" "When we do small things, God can make it big"
  • "Easter should not be the only day you are here" "Easter should not be the only day you are here"
  • "Does your spiritual house need spring cleaning?" "Does your spiritual house need spring cleaning?"
  • "Try our Sundays. They are better than Good Humor." "Try our Sundays.  They are better than Good Humor."
  • "Free trip to heaven. Details inside." "Free trip to heaven.  Details inside."
  • "Under same management for over 2000 years" "Under same management for over 2000 years"
  • Town Clock Church [01] Town Clock Church [01]
  • Town Clock Church [02] Town Clock Church [02]
  • Town Clock Church [03] Town Clock Church [03]
  • Painted houses on Bedford Street [03] Painted houses on Bedford Street [03]
  • Bedford Street Bedford Street
  • Town Clock Church [04] Town Clock Church [04]
  • "Be Someone That Makes You Happy" "Be Someone That Makes You Happy"
  • "If you have a kind thought, share it now." "If you have a kind thought, share it now."
  • "All services are new. Repeats left to TV." "All services are new.  Repeats left to TV."
  • "Keep praying, keep distance, God is near" "Keep praying, keep distance, God is near"