Ben Schumin Photography Portfolio

Ben Schumin is a professional photographer who captures the intricacies of daily life.

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  • J27 Anti-War Demonstration [15] J27 Anti-War Demonstration [15]
  • Anonymous Ideal Org raid [26] Anonymous Ideal Org raid [26]
  • SlutWalk DC 2012 [26] SlutWalk DC 2012 [26]
  • Hug following a polar bear plunge Hug following a polar bear plunge
  • Wrinkled hands following tubing adventure Wrinkled hands following tubing adventure
  • Silver Spring Zombie Walk 2013 [12] Silver Spring Zombie Walk 2013 [12]
  • 1991 Nickel 1991 Nickel
  • Elyse gives an obscene gesture Elyse gives an obscene gesture
  • Alien giving two middle fingers Alien giving two middle fingers
  • Wooden hand giving an obscene gesture Wooden hand giving an obscene gesture
  • Fingers on my left hand Fingers on my left hand
  • Confederate Breastworks sign Confederate Breastworks sign
  • Posable hand giving the middle finger Posable hand giving the middle finger
  • Elyse gives the finger Elyse gives the finger