Ben Schumin Photography Portfolio

Ben Schumin is a professional photographer who captures the intricacies of daily life.

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  • Resetting the fire alarm system Resetting the fire alarm system
  • Virginia Beach police car Virginia Beach police car
  • Dandelion on DeJarnette property [01] Dandelion on DeJarnette property [01]
  • Dandelion on DeJarnette property [02] Dandelion on DeJarnette property [02]
  • Dandelion [01] Dandelion [01]
  • Dandelion [02] Dandelion [02]
  • Dandelion [03] Dandelion [03]
  • Prince William County Police cruiser Prince William County Police cruiser
  • Monongalia County Sheriff's Department cruiser Monongalia County Sheriff's Department cruiser
  • 52 Division, Toronto Police Service 52 Division, Toronto Police Service
  • Dandelion seed head [02] Dandelion seed head [02]
  • Dandelion seed head [01] Dandelion seed head [01]
  • Augusta County Sheriff cruiser [01] Augusta County Sheriff cruiser [01]
  • Augusta County Sheriff cruiser [02] Augusta County Sheriff cruiser [02]
  • Kiwi fruit at Giant Food Kiwi fruit at Giant Food
  • Large dandelion next to Coles Run Reservoir [01] Large dandelion next to Coles Run Reservoir [01]
  • Large dandelion next to Coles Run Reservoir [02] Large dandelion next to Coles Run Reservoir [02]
  • Large dandelion next to Coles Run Reservoir [03] Large dandelion next to Coles Run Reservoir [03]
  • Dandelion along the Virginia Capital Trail [01] Dandelion along the Virginia Capital Trail [01]
  • Dandelion along the Virginia Capital Trail [02] Dandelion along the Virginia Capital Trail [02]
  • Pittsburgh School Police cruiser [02] Pittsburgh School Police cruiser [02]
  • Pittsburgh School Police cruiser [01] Pittsburgh School Police cruiser [01]