Train at Frankford Transportation Center [03]
Marker graffiti at East 55th Street station
Pedestrian crosswalk sign at Toronto Pearson International Airport
Elyse films the observatory elevator at 875 North Michigan Avenue
Genesis Convention Center [02]
Menards in Gary, Indiana [04]
Bonfire in Fort Washington, Maryland [11]
First fueling of the new HR-V [03]
Abandoned parking garage in Gary, Indiana [01]
Broad Street train at NRG station
Industrial area north of I-90 in Gary, Indiana [01]
RTA railcar 199 at Tower City [01]
US Bank building in Sheboygan, Wisconsin
U.S. Steel Yard
Builder's plate on RTA railcar 827
Bilingual exit sign at Toronto Pearson International Airport [02]
Abandoned parking garage in Gary, Indiana [02]
"THRU TRAFFIC PROHIBITED" sign at an alley entrance [01]
Bonfire in Fort Washington, Maryland [10]
Stairs sign in the lower lobby at 875 North Michigan Avenue [01]
Centennial Flame [06]
Quality Optical [03]
Fire alarm strobe at the 875 North Michigan Avenue observatory [01]
Interior of CTA car 5414
Downtown Gary, Indiana
Ravenglass Way [10]
Bonfire in Fort Washington, Maryland [17]
Bonfire in Fort Washington, Maryland [12]
Centennial Flame [01]
Industrial area north of I-90 in Gary, Indiana [02]
Bonfire in Fort Washington, Maryland [08]
Former City View Center [31]
Graffiti on South Street pedestrian walkway [02]
Train at Frankford Transportation Center [01]
"THRU TRAFFIC PROHIBITED" sign at an alley entrance [02]
Augusta Plaza Shopping Center
Bonfire in Fort Washington, Maryland [14]
Bonfire in Fort Washington, Maryland [15]
Ceiling-mounted speaker/strobe with "ALERT" lettering
Edward G. Clymore Elementary School [02]
New Carrollton station, April 2023 [02]
Interior of RTA railcar 827
Centennial Flame [03]
RTA railcar 199 at Tower City [02]
TTC bus 3332 at Toronto Pearson International Airport
TTC railcar 5144 at Bathurst station
Graffiti on a utility box in an alley
Safeway on Goshen Road [02]
Bonfire in Fort Washington, Maryland [09]
Curved fire alarm speaker at Westfield World Trade Center
Spartan foamyiQ Cranberry Ice foaming handwash dispenser
Interstate 90 in Gary, Indiana
Fueling the Scion [01]
Interior of RTA railcar 199
Urinal flushometer at Harvey's in Gatineau
Fire alarm strobe at the 875 North Michigan Avenue observatory [02]
New Carrollton station, April 2023 [01]
Former City View Center [33]
Clymore Elementary School [01]
Men's swim trunks at Walmart in Front Royal, Virginia
"DO NOT ENTER" sign with religious graffiti
No parking sign at Verona Elementary School [02]
Former City View Center [21]
Centennial Flame [02]
Edward G. Clymore Elementary School [06]
504 Broadway
Former City View Center [32]
Former City View Center [20]
2301 West Lawrence Avenue
Fueling the Scion [03]
Centennial Flame [05]
Centennial Flame [04]
Fueling the Scion [02]
Former City View Center [22]
Former City View Center [29]
Marker graffiti at East 55th Street station
Edward G. Clymore Elementary School [03]
Subway restaurant on West 26th Street
Pet relief area at Toronto Pearson International Airport
Former City View Center [23]