SS United States, October 2021 [14]
SS United States, October 2021 [02]
Industrial waterfront in Camden, New Jersey [03]
Philadelphia waterfront [04]
Industrial waterfront in Camden, New Jersey [04]
Delaware River between Camden and Philadelphia [04]
Industrial waterfront in Camden, New Jersey [01]
K Market [01]
K Market [02]
K Market [03]
K Market [04]
No alcoholic beverages in the food court
Food court at K Market
Perfect peanut butter jar
Little River Turnpike plaque
Graffiti on WMATA railcar 3175
Taboo Gentlemen's Club [03]
Bosch pull station at Ross in Martinsburg
Elyse holds Woomy by the arm
Cushwa Brewing Company
Hangar at Hagerstown airport
Woomy plays Space Invaders
Woomy tries to drive a Jeep
Pizza from Rad Pies
Handwritten sign on a speaker