- Pentagon City station, January 2005 [03]
- Pentagon City station, January 2005 [04]
- Pentagon City station, January 2005 [05]
- Pentagon City station, January 2005 [06]
- Blue Screen of Death on Sheetz outside ordering kiosk
- Station name plaque at Franconia-Springfield
- Blue Screen of Death on Sheetz outside ordering kiosk
- Blue Screen of Death on Sheetz outside ordering kiosk
- Pentagon City station, January 2005 [01]
- Pentagon City station entrance pylon [02]
- Virginia State Police cruiser
- Braddock Road station at night
- Walmart self checkout
- Front end at Walmart in Roanoke, Virginia
- Largo Town Center station entrance pylon [02]
- Largo Town Center tail tracks
- Largo Town Center station entrance pylon [01]
- Morgan Boulevard station entrance pylon
- Morgan Boulevard station
- Largo Town Center station [01]
- FedEx Field from Largo Town Center garage
- Largo Town Center station [02]
- Farecard machines at Morgan Boulevard station
- Green Line train at L'Enfant Plaza
- Metrobus 3705 at Connecticut Avenue and Q Street NW
- Train at Stadium-Armory [01]
- Walmart Supercenter in Bedford, Virginia [01]
- Walmart Supercenter in Bedford, Virginia [02]
- Pentagon City station [01]
- Red Line train at New York Ave-Florida Ave-Gallaudet U station
- New York Avenue station entrance pylon [01]
- Entrance to Forest Glen station
- Woodley Park-Zoo collision
- Million Worker March [01]
- Million Worker March [02]
- Million Worker March [11]
- Million Worker March [12]
- Million Worker March [13]
- Million Worker March [15]
- Million Worker March [14]
- Adam Eidinger campaign sign
- Million Worker March [09]
- Million Worker March [08]
- Million Worker March [07]
- Million Worker March [05]
- Million Worker March [04]
- Million Worker March [06]
- Million Worker March [03]
- Million Worker March [10]
- Dead wing at Tanglewood Mall
- Rose on replica coffin
- Woman photographing protest
- Roses on replica coffins
- Free Republic counter-protest outside of Arlington National Cemetery
- Woman wearing black bandanna
- Crowd at anti-war protest outside of Arlington National Cemetery
- Cleveland Park station [01]
- Yellow Line train arriving at National Airport
- Cleveland Park station [02]
- Grosvenor-Strathmore station [01]
- Train at Cleveland Park station
- Red Line train on aerial structure
- Shady Grove station [02]
- Speaker at Jubilee USA Network demonstration
- Entrance to Omni Charlottesville Hotel [03]
- The Nook restaurant
- Entrance to Omni Charlottesville Hotel [02]
- Entrance to Omni Charlottesville Hotel [01]
- Silver Spring station from MARC bridge
- Minnesota Avenue station [01]
- Old Post Office Pavilion [01]
- "SPECIAL" sign on Red Line
- Emergency intercom on car 3276
- Yellow Line train servicing L'Enfant Plaza
- Green Line train at L'Enfant Plaza
- L'Enfant Plaza station [01]
- Walmart deli and snack bar
- Walmart Supercenter in Luray, Virginia
- NPR building
- Gallery Place-Chinatown station entrance pylon