Zocalo sign [01]
Zentai in front of the Washington Monument
Yield sign
Yellow traffic signal
Yellow Line train to Franconia-Springfield
Yellow Line train at Van Dorn Street
Yellow Line train at King Street station
Yellow Line train at Huntington [08]
Yellow Line train at Huntington [07]
Yellow Line train at Franconia-Springfield
Yellow Line train at Fort Totten
Yellow fire hydrant
Yellow Cake Walk
WTBO sign [04]
WTBO sign [03]
WTBO sign [02]
WTBO sign [01]
WTBO sign at night [03]
WTBO sign at night [02]
WTBO sign at night [01]
WTBO sign and transmitter, viewed from below
Wrigley Building [02]
Wrigley Building [01]
Wrap and chips at Mug Shots
World Bank/IMF demonstration [11]
World Bank/IMF demonstration [10]
World Bank/IMF demonstration [09]
World Bank/IMF demonstration [08]
World Bank/IMF demonstration [07]
World Bank/IMF demonstration [06]
World Bank/IMF demonstration [05]
World Bank/IMF demonstration [04]
World Bank/IMF demonstration [03]
World Bank/IMF demonstration [02]
World Bank/IMF demonstration [01]
Woodley Park-Zoo collision
Women walking along the beach [01]
Woman walking along Lake Michigan
Woman reading a book
Woman on Humpback Rock
Woman laying on inner tube [01]
Woman holds $20 bill during anti-Gaddafi protest
Woman and dog
WMATA railcar 5026 at Fort Totten
WMATA railcar 2075
WMATA farecard vending machines
WMATA Breda 3000-Series car on D Route Bridge
Wire terminal structures
Wilson Hall
Wilkins Shoe Center
Whole Foods P Street NW
White House Peace Vigil [03]
White House Peace Vigil [02]
White House Peace Vigil [01]
Wheelock speaker strobe at Museum of Science and Industry
Wheelock push station
Wheelock MT in Potomac Hall [02]
Wheelock MT in Potomac Hall [01]
Wheelock MT horn/strobe on Viewliner railcar
Wheelock MT horn/strobe
Wheelock MT horn
Wheelock MT at Quincy Adams station
Wheelock fire alarm bell
Wheelock AS horn/strobe made from Legos [02]
Wheelock AS horn/strobe made from Legos [01]
Wheelock 7002 with closed grille and black sounder plate
Wheelock "Medical Emergency" push station
Wheaton station, inbound side [01]
Wheaton station entrance pylon
Westbound Cardinal train in Staunton [04]
Westbound Cardinal train in Staunton [03]
Westbound Cardinal train in Staunton [02]
Westbound Cardinal train in Staunton [01]
Westbound Cardinal train departs Staunton
West Falls Church-VT/UVA station [02]
Welcome to Stuarts Draft
Weathered headstone
Waynesboro High School [01]
Wawa donuts [03]