Virginia State Police cruiser
Pentagon City station entrance pylon [02]
Blue Screen of Death on Sheetz outside ordering kiosk
Pentagon City station, January 2005 [01]
Blue Screen of Death on Sheetz outside ordering kiosk
Blue Screen of Death on Sheetz outside ordering kiosk
Station name plaque at Franconia-Springfield
Pentagon City station, January 2005 [06]
Pentagon City station, January 2005 [05]
Pentagon City station, January 2005 [04]
Pentagon City station, January 2005 [03]
Pentagon City station, January 2005 [02]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [32]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [02]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [01]
Quiet Zone sign [01]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [33]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [06]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [03]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [10]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [09]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [08]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [07]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [11]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [12]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [13]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [14]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [16]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [17]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [15]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [19]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [18]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [20]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [23]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [27]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [26]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [25]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [31]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [24]
Metrobus in use as a roadblock
Inauguration protest, 2005 [30]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [29]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [28]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [21]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [04]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [05]
Demolition of 1117 North 19th Street [02]
Demolition of 1117 North 19th Street [01]
1801 North Lynn Street, viewed from close by [03]
Alberto Gonzales confirmation demonstration [02]
Alberto Gonzales confirmation demonstration [03]
Alberto Gonzales confirmation demonstration [01]
Alberto Gonzales confirmation demonstration [04]
Metrobus 4042 at Silver Spring station
Metrobus 4088 at Silver Spring station
Alberto Gonzales confirmation demonstration [08]
Alberto Gonzales confirmation demonstration [06]
Alberto Gonzales confirmation demonstration [07]
Alberto Gonzales confirmation demonstration [05]
Blacksburg Transit sign
Blacksburg Transit bus 1813
Wilson Hall cupola [02]
JMU Box 2732 [01]
Fire engine at the University of Virginia
US 29 shield on Rhode Island Avenue NW [01]
New York Avenue station entrance pylon [02]
US 29 shield on Rhode Island Avenue NW [02]
Former CUE bus on an auto sales lot
Largo Town Center station entrance pylon [03]
Rosslyn station entrance pylon [01]
Heavy equipment at 1117 North 19th Street site
View from Old Post Office Tower
The White House in late afternoon
Scientology stress tests
Interior of the Old Post Office Pavilion [02]
Upper levels of Old Post Office Pavilion
Interior of the Old Post Office Pavilion [01]
Allied Arts Building [01]
Bank of the James building [01]
Fountain in the James River