Boston Megaraid [08]
Boston Megaraid [06]
Boston Megaraid [07]
Boston Megaraid [05]
Boston Megaraid [04]
"Don't Dump" plaque
Boston Megaraid [02]
Boston Megaraid [03]
Boston Megaraid [01]
Metrobus accident in Dupont Circle [02]
Metrobus accident in Dupont Circle [01]
Platform at Eastern Market station [01]
Court House station [02]
Court House station entrance pylon
Entrance to Capitol South station
Orange Line train at New Carrollton
New Carrollton station [04]
Orange Line going over a hill
Payphones at Landover station
Orange Line train arriving at Cheverly [02]
Inbound platform at Cheverly station
Cheverly station [03]
Platform edge tiles at Cheverly
Deanwood station [03]
Metrobus 6003 at Cheverly station
6000-Series railcar at Deanwood
Platform pylon at Minnesota Avenue station [02]
Platform pylon at Minnesota Avenue station [01]
Eight-car mark at West Falls Church station
Fairfax Connector bus 9742 [01]
Platform pylon at Dunn Loring station [04]
Platform pylon at Dunn Loring station [03]
Exhaling cloud of cigarette smoke
Metropolitan Police car on 16th Street NW
Metrobus 2154 at 16th and P Streets
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [07]
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [06]
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [04]
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [05]
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [03]
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [02]
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [01]
Message sign in Dupont Circle
Potomac Hall from HHS Building
Festival Conference and Student Center [03]
Festival Conference and Student Center [02]
Health and Human Services Building
Potomac Hall from Astronomy Park
Rose Library [01]
East campus steam plant [02]
Students relaxing on the Quad [03]
Students relaxing on the Quad [02]
March for America [10]
March for America [09]
March for America [06]
March for America [07]
March for America [08]
March for America [05]
March 20, 2010 anti-war march [07]
March 20, 2010 anti-war march [06]
March 20, 2010 anti-war march [05]
March 20, 2010 anti-war march [04]
March 20, 2010 anti-war march [02]
March 20, 2010 anti-war march [03]
March 20, 2010 anti-war march [01]
SunTrust building in downtown Washington, DC [01]
Maryland Polar Bear Plunge 2010 [21]
Maryland Polar Bear Plunge 2010 [22]
Maryland Polar Bear Plunge 2010 [20]
Maryland Polar Bear Plunge 2010 [19]
Maryland Polar Bear Plunge 2010 [18]
Maryland Polar Bear Plunge 2010 [17]
Maryland Polar Bear Plunge 2010 [16]
Maryland Polar Bear Plunge 2010 [15]
Utility construction at Staunton Mall [02]
Utility construction at Staunton Mall [01]
SEPTA Market-Frankford train
Grave of John F. Kennedy
Grave of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
John F. Kennedy Eternal Flame [07]