Rocks in the Potomac River [02]
Rocks in the Potomac River [04]
Rocks in the Potomac River [03]
Rocks in the Potomac River [01]
Potomac River from US 340 bridge [03]
Rocks in the Potomac River [05]
Potomac River from US 340 bridge [05]
Potomac River from US 340 bridge [04]
Honda HR-V in a field near Martinsburg [02]
Edge Hill Cemetery [21]
Honda HR-V in a field near Martinsburg [01]
Edge Hill Cemetery [17]
Edge Hill Cemetery [20]
Edge Hill Cemetery [18]
Edge Hill Cemetery [16]
Elyse photographs the HR-V
Chili's in Martinsburg [02]
Chili's in Martinsburg [01]
Water fountains closed at Tractor Supply
Do not touch the chick pen
Chili's in Martinsburg [03]
Safer at home sign in Harpers Ferry [01]
Safer at home sign in Harpers Ferry [02]
Edge Hill Cemetery [19]
Car wash foam treatment [04]
Toys "R" Us trailer in Sandy Hook, Maryland [02]
Toys "R" Us trailer in Sandy Hook, Maryland [01]
Lockdown-related sign on door of Exxon gas station
Walmart Supercenter in Charles Town, West Virginia [01]
Capacity limit at the Walmart in Charles Town, West Virginia
Toys "R" Us trailer in Sandy Hook, Maryland [03]