Juicy Burger
Meat department at Giant Food [02]
Meat department at Giant Food [01]
East Falls Church station platform [01]
East Falls Church station platform [02]
Interior of WMATA railcar 3243 [01]
Picked-over soup aisle [01]
West Falls Church escalators [02]
Interior of WMATA railcar 3243 [02]
Picked-over soup aisle [02]
Winky Lux display
Discarded latex glove
Midtown Bethesda North Condos
Seating area at Whole Foods Market
Notifier NBG-12 pull station at Montrose Crossing
Graffiti Alley in Baltimore [01]
Graffiti Alley in Baltimore [02]
Graffiti Alley in Baltimore [03]
A frosty mug of milk
Graffiti Alley in Baltimore [04]
Townhouses in Montgomery Village, Maryland [01]
Platforms at West Falls Church station [01]
Escalators at East Falls Church
Platforms at West Falls Church station [02]
Platform at Federal Center SW station [01]
Platform at Federal Center SW station [02]
Stairs at 18111 Prince Philip Drive
Closed seating area at Harris Teeter [02]
Closed seating area at Harris Teeter [01]
Closed seating area at Harris Teeter [03]