"Littering is illegal" sign [02]
Aerial view of Diamond Point Plaza
Armstrong Motel [01]
Armstrong Motel [02]
Armstrong Motel [03]
Armstrong Motel [04]
Autocall pull station at Whole Foods Market in Towson, Maryland [01]
Autocall pull station at Whole Foods Market in Towson, Maryland [02]
Autocall pull station at Whole Foods Market in Towson, Maryland [03]
Autocall pull station at Whole Foods Market in Towson, Maryland [04]
Bottle cap embedded in gravel [01]
Bottle cap embedded in gravel [02]
Buoy in Coles Run Reservoir
Carved graffiti inside Sounding Knob Fire Tower [01]
Carved graffiti inside Sounding Knob Fire Tower [02]
Ceiling vent at TJ Maxx in Staunton, Virginia
Coles Run Reservoir and Dam [01]
Coles Run Reservoir and Dam [02]
Coles Run Reservoir and Dam [03]
Coles Run Reservoir and Dam [04]
Coles Run Reservoir [01]
Coles Run Reservoir [02]
Coles Run Reservoir [03]
Coles Run Reservoir [04]
Coles Run Reservoir [05]
Coles Run Reservoir [06]
Coles Run Reservoir [07]
Confederate Breastworks sign
Cranberry's employees must wash their hands
DJI Air 2S at Fort Armistead Park
Downtown Waynesboro, facing east
East Broad Street near East Avenue
East Main and Broad Streets in Waynesboro, Virginia
Elks emblem at 101 West Frederick Street
Employee dining room at Wegmans
Essex Place and The Reach
Farm on the Virginia-West Virginia border [01]
Farm on the Virginia-West Virginia border [02]
Farmland along the Virginia-West Virginia border
Federal Signal Model 5 siren on the Hanover Street Bridge
Flags at West Virginia welcome center
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [13]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [14]
Former Kmart in Charlottesville, Virginia [01]
Former Kmart in Charlottesville, Virginia [02]
Former Kmart in Charlottesville, Virginia [03]
Former Kmart in Charlottesville, Virginia [04]
Former Waynesboro landfill [08]
Former Waynesboro landfill [09]
Former Waynesboro landfill [10]
Former Waynesboro landfill [11]
Former Waynesboro landfill [12]
Former Waynesboro landfill [13]
Former Waynesboro landfill [14]
Fort Carroll [01]
Fort Carroll [02]
Fort Carroll [03]
Fort Carroll [04]
Fort Carroll [05]
Fort Carroll [06]
Fort Carroll [07]
Fort Carroll [08]
Fort Carroll [09]
Fort Carroll [10]
Francis Scott Key Bridge [01]
Francis Scott Key Bridge [02]
Francis Scott Key Bridge [03]
Francis Scott Key Bridge [04]
Francis Scott Key Bridge [05]
Francis Scott Key Bridge [06]
Francis Scott Key Bridge [07]
Francis Scott Key Bridge [08]
Francis Scott Key Bridge [09]
Graffiti at Fort Edward Johnson wayside
Hairpin turn on US 250 [01]
Hairpin turn on US 250 [02]
Hanover Street Bridge [01]
Hanover Street Bridge [02]
Hanover Street Bridge [03]