Amazon Fresh in Gaithersburg, Maryland during initial setup
Five-headed lamppost in downtown Crossville
Elyse holds up rubber crackers
Farmers Market building in Kingsport [02]
Sign at the Hampton Inn in Covington, Virginia
"WRONG WAY" sign on the ground
"DO NOT ENTER" and "ONE WAY" signs [02]
Farmers Market building in Kingsport [01]
"Picture Petersburg: The Crepe Myrtle City"
Mountain with a bare patch [02]
Cumberland County Courthouse [01]
Alleghany Foundation plaque
"DO NOT ENTER" and "ONE WAY" signs [01]
Sherando Lake [01]
Clouds over Spring Run, Pennsylvania
Mountain with a bare patch [01]
Crane at Delaware Seashore State Park [01]
625 Market Street
Walkway at Dulles International Airport
Hopewell Municipal Building
Sign for Pinehurst Motel [01]
Traffic signals on Nicholson Lane [02]
Traffic signals on Nicholson Lane [01]
"Visit Downtown" [02]
Roof sign for Pinehurst Motel [01]
Crane at Delaware Seashore State Park [02]
"Smile" painted on a sidewalk brick
Ice block
Pentastar hood ornament on a Dodge Caravan
"Visit Downtown" [01]
Traffic signals on Nicholson Lane [03]
Cube-shaped sign at 1913 West State Street
Sign for Pinehurst Motel [04]
Totaled 2005 Nissan Pathfinder [01]
Traffic signals in Derwood, Maryland [01]
Traffic signals on Nicholson Lane [04]
Weathered tree trunk along the Coal Road
Elyse sits in the driver's seat of the Renegade
Cockshutt tractor [01]
Elyse at the Lego store at Montgomery Mall [01]
Cockshutt tractor [02]
Room 502 at Hotel 24 South
Sign for Pinehurst Motel [02]
Sign for Pinehurst Motel [05]
Wilkes Street Tunnel [03]
Wilkes Street Tunnel [07]
Wilkes Street Tunnel [02]
Roof sign for Pinehurst Motel [02]
Elyse laughing
South Branch of the Potomac River
Street signs at Church Street and Commercial Avenue
Intersection of Western Avenue, West Summit Hill Drive, Henley Street, and Broadway [02]
Wilkes Street Tunnel [01]
Wilkes Street Tunnel [06]
Power lines in Hopewell, Virginia
Bus stop marker on Shelby Street
Ferris wheel at Jolly Roger at the Pier [01]
Confederate Breastworks sign
Traffic signals on Nicholson Lane [05]
Jeep Renegade at West Falls Church station
Tractor Supply in Frederick, Maryland
Love locks in Ocean City [01]
Jeep Renegade in Alexandria, Virginia
Elyse at the Lego store at Montgomery Mall [02]
Love locks in Ocean City [03]
Blackburn Inn [01]
WSSC utility cover in Derwood, Maryland
Totaled 2005 Nissan Pathfinder [02]
Auditorium at Marquee Cinemas in Bristol
Totaled 2005 Nissan Pathfinder [03]
Chevrolet El Camino in Germantown, Maryland
Ferris wheel at Jolly Roger at the Pier [02]
Blackburn Inn [04]
Sign for Pinehurst Motel [03]
Fourth floor corridor at the Hampton Inn in Kingsport, Tennessee
Blackburn Inn [03]
Blackburn Inn [02]
View from Greenstone Overlook [02]
Blackburn Inn [05]
Wilkes Street Tunnel [05]