West Broad Street at Staples Mill Road [02]
West Broad Street at Staples Mill Road [01]
Weathered railroad crossing sign [04]
Weathered railroad crossing sign [03]
Weathered railroad crossing sign [02]
Weathered railroad crossing sign [01]
Walmart in Colonial Heights, Virginia [10]
Virginia state flag in front of Hopewell Municipal Building
Virginia State Capitol [07]
Virginia State Capitol [06]
Virginia State Capitol [05]
Virginia State Capitol [04]
Virginia State Capitol [03]
Virginia State Capitol [02]
Virginia State Capitol [01]
View east down the Canal
Train at East Falls Church station [02]
Tank cars on an industrial spur in Hopewell, Virginia
T. Tyler Potterfield Bridge
Synthetic Federal Credit Union plaque
Survey measuring point at Vienna Metro station
Structure in the center court of Virginia Center Commons
Stained glass at the Mormon Temple
Southpark Mall [02]
Southpark Mall [01]
Small island in the James River
Skyline of Richmond, Virginia from over the James River [06]
Skyline of Richmond, Virginia from over the James River [05]
Skyline of Richmond, Virginia from over the James River [04]
Skyline of Richmond, Virginia from over the James River [03]
Skyline of Richmond, Virginia from over the James River [02]
Skyline of Richmond, Virginia from over the James River [01]
Skylight at Southpark Mall
Sink at the Mormon Temple [02]
Sink at the Mormon Temple [01]
Sign for Krispy Kreme in Richmond, Virginia [03]
Sign for Krispy Kreme in Richmond, Virginia [02]
Sign for Krispy Kreme in Richmond, Virginia [01]
Sign for Beacon Theatre [02]
Sign for Beacon Theatre [01]
Seating area at Whole Foods on West Broad Street
Sealing room at the Mormon Temple
Sam's Club in Colonial Heights, Virginia [02]
Sam's Club in Colonial Heights, Virginia [01]
Route 10 bridge over the Appomattox River [03]
Route 10 bridge over the Appomattox River [02]
Route 10 bridge over the Appomattox River [01]
Roses sign in Hopewell, Virginia [03]
Roses sign in Hopewell, Virginia [02]
Roses sign in Hopewell, Virginia [01]
Richmond skyline from the James River [02]
Richmond skyline from the James River [01]
Remains of Richmond and Petersburg Railroad Bridge [02]
Remains of Richmond and Petersburg Railroad Bridge [01]
Rejected Krispy Kreme donut [02]
Rejected Krispy Kreme donut [01]
Red water tower without a top
Red blinker signal
Rapids on the James River [02]
Rapids on the James River [01]
Pyramid at Hollywood Cemetery [05]
Pyramid at Hollywood Cemetery [04]
Pyramid at Hollywood Cemetery [03]
Pyramid at Hollywood Cemetery [02]
Pyramid at Hollywood Cemetery [01]
Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [06]
Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [05]
Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [04]
Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [03]
Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [02]
Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [01]
Power lines in Hopewell, Virginia
Pho Que Huong
Petersburg Courthouse [31]
Petersburg Courthouse [30]
Petersburg Courthouse [29]
Petersburg Courthouse [28]
Petersburg Courthouse [27]
Petersburg Courthouse [26]