"Is there a microchip in my scalp?"
Montgomery Village, facing approximately west [03]
Montgomery Village, facing approximately west [04]
Power line reservation from above, in snow
Picton of Birlstone [01]
Picton of Birlstone [02]
Goshen Oaks shopping center
Trucker convoy
Elyse listens to bubbles
Wheelock speaker and strobe at the National Aquarium
Wheelock strobe at the National Aquarium
Wood turtle at the National Aquarium
Elyse photographs David at the National Aquarium
Pacific sea nettle at the National Aquarium [01]
Pacific sea nettle at the National Aquarium [02]
Pacific sea nettle at the National Aquarium [03]
Pacific sea nettle at the National Aquarium [04]
Sunset over Sterling, Virginia [01]
Sunset over Sterling, Virginia [02]
Sunset over Sterling, Virginia [03]
Sunset over Sterling, Virginia [04]
Delays at Vienna station