Weathered tree trunk along the Coal Road
Ravenglass Way [07]
Essex Place and The Reach
Ravenglass Way [08]
MAGFest car
Ravenglass Way [09]
Peanut butter at Market Maven
Sherando United Methodist Church, following a fire [01]
Rainbow Crocs
Sherando United Methodist Church, following a fire [04]
Sherando United Methodist Church, following a fire [06]
Sherando United Methodist Church, following a fire [07]
Sherando United Methodist Church, following a fire [05]
Sign for B&R Grocery [02]
Sherando United Methodist Church, following a fire [08]
Sherando United Methodist Church, following a fire [09]
Sign for B&R Grocery [01]
Sherando United Methodist Church, following a fire [03]
Sherando United Methodist Church, following a fire [02]