Row of HR-Vs at Walmart in Frederick, Maryland
American flag over Frederick in late afternoon
Cactus Buddy toy
Elyse laughing
Elyse with an armful of Scrub Daddy sponges
Aerial view of Lakeforest Mall [08]
Aerial view of Lakeforest Mall [06]
Aerial view of Lakeforest Mall [07]
Aerial view of Lakeforest Mall [04]
Aerial view of Lakeforest Mall [05]
Aerial view of Lakeforest Mall [03]
Aerial view of Lakeforest Mall [01]
Aerial view of Lakeforest Mall [02]
Trucker convoy
"Welcome to the Dungeon"
Ghost bike in Lucketts, Virginia
Escalators at Target in Rockville, Maryland