"Thank you for not smoking, eating, or loitering within 10 meters"
170 Laurier Avenue West
277 Fifth Avenue
A-frame sign outside of AvaBrew
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [01]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [02]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [03]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [04]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [05]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [06]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [07]
Bell Canada payphone along Bank Street [08]
Bicycle signal at intersection of Metcalfe Street and Laurier Avenue West
Bilingual stop sign on Parliament Hill [01]
Bilingual stop sign on Parliament Hill [02]
Blue Ridge Tunnel [01]
Blue Ridge Tunnel [02]
Blue Ridge Tunnel [03]
Blue Ridge Tunnel [04]
Blue Ridge Tunnel [05]
Blue Ridge Tunnel [06]
Blue Ridge Tunnel [07]
Blue Ridge Tunnel [08]
Blue Ridge Tunnel [09]
Blue Ridge Tunnel [10]
Blue Ridge Tunnel [11]
Blue Ridge Tunnel [12]
Blue Ridge Tunnel [13]
Blue Ridge Tunnel [14]
Blue Ridge Tunnel [15]
Blue Ridge Tunnel [16]
Bonfire in Fort Washington, Maryland [01]
Bonfire in Fort Washington, Maryland [02]
Bonfire in Fort Washington, Maryland [03]
Bonfire in Fort Washington, Maryland [04]
Bonfire in Fort Washington, Maryland [05]
Bonfire in Fort Washington, Maryland [06]
Bonfire in Fort Washington, Maryland [07]
Bonfire in Fort Washington, Maryland [08]
Bonfire in Fort Washington, Maryland [09]
Bonfire in Fort Washington, Maryland [10]
Bonfire in Fort Washington, Maryland [11]
Bonfire in Fort Washington, Maryland [12]
Bonfire in Fort Washington, Maryland [13]
Bonfire in Fort Washington, Maryland [14]
Bonfire in Fort Washington, Maryland [15]
Bonfire in Fort Washington, Maryland [16]
Bonfire in Fort Washington, Maryland [17]
Bus directory sign at Glenmont station
Canadian flag flying outside of West Block [01]
Canadian flag flying outside of West Block [02]
Canadian flag flying outside of West Block [03]
Canadian flag in front of the Westin Ottawa
Canadian flag on Centre Block [01]
Canadian flag on Centre Block [02]
Canadian flag on the Confederation Building
Centennial Flame [01]
Centennial Flame [02]
Centennial Flame [03]
Centennial Flame [04]
Centennial Flame [05]
Centennial Flame [06]
Centennial Flame [07]
Centennial Flame [08]
Centennial Flame [09]
Centre Block [01]
Centre Block [02]
Centre Block [03]
Clock on Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower
Coach Canada motorcoach
Column at 28th Street station [01]
Column at 28th Street station [02]
Confederation Building [01]
Confederation Building [02]
Confederation Building [03]
Construction barrel on Metcalfe Street
Construction signage on Parliament Hill
Curbside haiku along Boerum Place
Curved bottle of hand sanitizer [01]
Curved bottle of hand sanitizer [02]