Overhead sign for Interstate 70
Interstate 70 shield
Sign for Interstate 70 eastbound
Sunoco and Starbucks signs
South Breezewood Road
Family House Restaurant [02]
Sheetz in Breezewood, Pennsylvania [02]
Family House Restaurant [01]
Fat Jimmy's Outfitters [02]
Mileage sign on US 30 in Breezewood [01]
To Interstate 76
Swift truck entering turnpike
KFC in Breezewood, Pennsylvania
Crawford's Museum [02]
Crawford's Museum [01]
Fat Jimmy's Outfitters [01]
Signs on US 30 outside Breezewood
Quality Inn sign near Breezewood
Warning sign before Breezewood
Second Blessings [03]
Second Blessings [02]
Second Blessings [01]