Barrier in front of coffee bar at Wawa
Closed kiddie ride at Arundel Mills [02]
Pandemic-related signage at Target [04]
Styrofoam mannequin head wearing a mask [01]
Discarded face mask at Walmart [03]
Dust mask at Barrister's Books
"Masks are currently optional in Pitt Buildings"
Burlington in Fredericksburg, Virginia [01]
Social distancing signs for sale at Lowe's
Mannequin wearing a shirt with matching mask
Burlington in Fredericksburg, Virginia [02]
"Z-Burger now is a COVID free zone"
Two Times New
Empty paper towel aisle at Target
Six-foot social distance marker at Giant Food
Sparsely filled frozen food aisle at Giant Food
Children's reusable face masks
COVID-19 signage at Patterson's Drug Store
Sign for Glossbrenner United Methodist Church
Closed kiddie ride at Arundel Mills [03]
"Peace, love, social distance"
Elyse holds a roll of toilet paper
Target Cafe closed
Gordmans in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania [12]
Closed seating area at Harris Teeter [03]
Social distancing sign at Giant Pharmacy
Shoppers in Westminster, Maryland [07]
Gordmans in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania [14]
"Cover your nose!"
Individually packaged donuts at Shoppers Food [01]
Gordmans in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania [13]
Individually packaged donuts at Shoppers Food [02]
Closed photo booth at York Galleria [01]
Individually packaged bagels at Shoppers Food [02]
Individually packaged bagels at Shoppers Food [01]
Gordmans in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania [15]
No sitting or leaning on the tables or chairs
Boscov's candy counter closed [01]
Closed water fountains at Barnes & Noble
Closed Starbucks store at Target
Table and chair storage area at York Galleria [02]
Closed photo booth at York Galleria [02]
Sign on the door at Duross & Langel
Individually wrapped breakfast pastries
Mask signage at Dunkin Donuts in Leesburg, Virginia [02]
"This business is certified COVID compliant"
Mask signage at Dunkin Donuts in Leesburg, Virginia [01]
Closed massage chairs at York Galleria
"Friends don't let friends spread germs!" [01]
Closed entrance at Pottery Barn in King of Prussia Mall
Social distancing signage at Dunkin Donuts in Leesburg, Virginia [02]
"Friends don't let friends spread germs!" [02]
Purchase limit notice
Food bar discontinued at Harris Teeter
Social distancing marker in a parking lot
Tables blocked off in front of Sheetz
Boscov's candy counter closed [02]
Boscov's candy counter closed [03]
Stuffed dinosaur wearing a mask
"Keep praying, keep distance, God is near"
Social distancing signage at Dunkin Donuts in Leesburg, Virginia [01]
COVID-19 questionnaire at JCPenney
Bath & Body Works at Charlottesville Fashion Square
"Closed due to COVID-19"
Lego shark wearing a mask [01]
Lego shark wearing a mask [02]
Lockdown-related sign on door of Exxon gas station
Indoor dining returns to Popeye's [01]
Indoor dining returns to Popeye's [02]
Touching allowed, but don't hold them near your face
Sign asking customers to wear gloves
Pandemic-related signage at Target [06]
Taco Bell in Martinsburg, West Virginia
Mask cookie [01]
Closed water fountain at Sheetz
Face masks at JCPenney
Mask cookie [02]
Social distancing sign at Sheetz
Variable message sign discouraging travel and encouraging mask wearing [01]
Hand sanitizer station at Dick's Sporting Goods