Social distancing marker on the sidewalk
Waffle House temporarily closed for repairs [02]
Individually-wrapped apples [01]
Individually-wrapped apples [02]
Capacity sign at Food Lion
Taboo Gentlemen's Club [03]
Sign on the door at Duross & Langel
"This business is certified COVID compliant"
Children's reusable face masks
Individually packaged bagels at Shoppers Food [02]
Individually packaged bagels at Shoppers Food [01]
Individually packaged donuts at Shoppers Food [02]
Individually packaged donuts at Shoppers Food [01]
No sitting or leaning on the tables or chairs
Social distancing sign at Total Wine & More
COVID sign at Baja Bean Company
Dust mask at Barrister's Books
Stuffed dinosaur wearing a mask
COVID signage in downtown Staunton
Mask sign at Baggby's
"Mask up Buttercup!"
Hand sanitizer station on the Downtown Mall [01]
Jefferson Theater closed due to COVID
Interior of Cinema Taco
Omni Hotel closed to the public
"Cover your nose!"
Hand sanitizer station on the Downtown Mall [02]
Tables blocked off in front of Sheetz
COVID-19 questionnaire at JCPenney
Face masks at JCPenney
"Friends don't let friends spread germs!" [01]
"Friends don't let friends spread germs!" [02]
Bath & Body Works at Charlottesville Fashion Square
Sbarro restaurant at Charlottesville Fashion Square [01]
Sbarro restaurant at Charlottesville Fashion Square [02]
Sbarro restaurant at Charlottesville Fashion Square [03]
Entrance closed at L.L. Bean
Pandemic signage at Tysons Corner Center