Closed sink at Belk men's store
Former Sbarro restaurant at Charlottesville Fashion Square [01]
Former Sbarro restaurant at Charlottesville Fashion Square [02]
Former Sbarro restaurant at Charlottesville Fashion Square [03]
No kombucha refills
Pandemic-related signage at Target [06]
Masks required at Kroger
"Heroes work here!" sign
Former Nordstrom at Dulles Town Center
"Micro Center is OPEN"
Marty robot wearing a mask [01]
Marty robot wearing a mask [02]
Discarded face mask at Walmart [01]
Discarded face mask at Walmart [03]
Discarded face mask at Walmart [02]
Eating a hot dog at Sheetz
Health and safety sign at Boscov's
"Kindly ask your barista for straws or sugar to avoid cross contamination."
"Please use SANITIZER before and after use"