Buckingham Branch track through Staunton
West Hyattsville station [01]
Newspaper boxes at Shaw-Howard U Metro station
Bumper cars at Kings Dominion
Love Grandiflora Rose [01]
Hotel Roanoke and Convention Center
Fuji Blue Balloon Flower [01]
Largo interlocking
Pentagon City station, November 2006 [08]
Detail of the Washington Monument's scaffolding, viewed from the south [02]
Notifier NBG-10 at Benjamin Franklin Middle School [01]
John Hancock Center exterior bracing
Cupola on Martinsburg roundhouse complex
Snowman on Charlottesville Downtown Mall
Hybrid Rugosa Rose [02]
Ballston station late at night [06]
FiveFingers Bikila shoe [03]
Great Falls, viewed from Virginia side [05]
"Scoop Your Pet's Poop"
Arc-en Ciel Waterlily
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from across the Tidal Basin near the Jefferson Memorial [02]
Spike Gayfeather [02]
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the northwest [01]
Yellow Line train arriving at National Airport
Boardwalk-facing facade of the Asbury Park Casino arcade [02]
Balcony railing during Snowmageddon [04]
Spike Gayfeather [01]
View from Raven's Roost
Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway
Springfield Mall [02]
Decorated bust of Edgar Allan Poe
World Bank/IMF demonstration [10]
Golden Shower Threadleaf Coreopsis [01]
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from across the Tidal Basin near the Jefferson Memorial [03]
Purple Coneflower
Summer Wine Daylily [01]
Exterior of Olney Indoor Swim Center [01]
Maury Hall [01]
Kia Soul at Westfield Wheaton
Harry Flood Byrd Bridge [02]
Pentagon City Mall, 2012 [02]
Fire alarm at Staunton Mall [01]
Graffiti on Humpback Rock
Christopher Newport Cross [02]
Moody Hall
Virginia Beach from fishing pier [02]
Green Line train at L'Enfant Plaza
Great Falls, viewed from Virginia side [07]
Superliner coaches at Union Station
Glenwood Sunday Market [10]
Love Grandiflora Rose [02]
Flags outside Union Station
WMATA railcar 2073 at Huntington station
Metro D Route pocket track [01]
Ballston-MU station [01]
DeJarnette Center for Human Development [02]
Historic Route 66 sign
Detail of the Washington Monument's scaffolding, viewed from the south [04]
College Park-University of Maryland station
Rosa Dainty Bess (with bee)
Mercury Sable buried during Snowmageddon
Abandoned motel guest building [05]
Security cameras at Landover station
Howard Johnson's on Afton Mountain [06]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the southeast [01]
Virginia Beach from Ocean Holiday [02]
Rose Beauty Japanese Thistle
Braddock Road station
American Water Lotus
Vienna/Fairfax-GMU station
Amfleet passenger coach [01]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [07]
Sandy Point State Park [25]
Summer Wine Daylily [02]
Glenwood Sunday Market [01]
Detail of the Washington Monument's scaffolding, viewed from the west [01]
Woman taking a photo at the FDR Memorial
March on Crystal City [14]
Granite platform edge panels at Takoma station
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the west [10]