WMATA railcar 2073 at Huntington station
Train stored in the tail track at Huntington [02]
Farragut North station [02]
Train arriving at Rosslyn station upper level
Train departing Rosslyn station upper level
"Columbia Heights Families Share and Care"
Shaw-Howard University station entrance pylon
Passengers leaving Vienna/Fairfax-GMU station
Train at College Park station
West Hyattsville station [01]
Columbia Heights station
Columbia Heights station entrance pylon
Metrobus 2083 at Ballston-MU station
Walmart in Lexington, Virginia
Eisenhower Avenue station, facing outbound
Brookland-CUA station entrance pylon
The Washington Monument at sunset
Outbound end of Gallery Place-Chinatown station
Georgia Ave-Petworth station
Train at Takoma station
Brookland-CUA station
WMATA clearance car [02]
WMATA clearance car [01]
Van Dorn Street station [01]
Court House station [01]
Clarendon station [01]
Braddock Road station
Anacostia station entrance pylon
King Street station entrance pylon [01]
Train arriving at Archives-Navy Memorial station
Archives-Navy Memorial station
Anacostia station
Red Line train arriving at Union Station
Farragut West station [01]
Walmart snack bar
Walmart checkout lane
Woman walking across Freedom Plaza
Family photo at the Capitol
Flag flying over US Capitol [02]
Monster in wheelchair
Ballston station late at night [01]
Ballston station late at night [03]
Ballston station late at night [02]
Huntington station entrance pylon, south entrance
Arlington Cemetery station [01]
Train stored in the tail track at Huntington [01]
Faregate at Arlington Cemetery station
Vienna station entrance pylon [03]
Train at Judiciary Square station
Platform at Huntington station
Interior of WMATA railcar 2075 [05]
WMATA railcar 2075
Greenbelt station entrance pylon [01]
New Carrollton station from parking garage
Train at Addison Road station
Metro tracks over Cabin Branch Road
Crystal City station
WMATA railcar 3180 at New Carrollton station
Addison Road-Seat Pleasant station
Federal Triangle station
Foggy Bottom-GWU station [01]
Vienna/Fairfax-GMU station
CUE bus 826 at Vienna station
Street clock in Roanoke, Virginia
Roanoke City Market at night
Roanoke City Market Historic District at night
Tree at McIntire Park
Two trees and a lamppost
South River in Waynesboro
Tree at Ridgeview Park
Afton Overlook sign
Woodley Park-Zoo/Adams Morgan station [02]
Escalators at Dupont Circle station, Q Street entrance
Glenmont station [01]
Woodley Park-Zoo/Adams Morgan station [01]
Squirrel in Farragut Square
Red Line train to Glenmont
Shady Grove station entrance pylon
Woodley Park-Zoo station entrance pylon
Forest Glen station