"Be barefoot, color barefoot, live barefoot"
"Does your spiritual house need spring cleaning?"
"Easter should not be the only day you are here"
"Free trip to heaven. Details inside."
"Test Dirt"
"Try our Sundays. They are better than Good Humor."
"Under same management for over 2000 years"
"WELCOME" lettering on former Howard Johnson's sign
2012 Kia Soul [01]
2012 Kia Soul [02]
2012 Kia Soul [03]
2012 Kia Soul [04]
2012 Kia Soul [05]
2012 Kia Soul [06]
2012 Kia Soul [07]
2012 Kia Soul [08]
2012 Kia Soul [09]
2012 Kia Soul [10]
2012 Kia Soul [11]
2012 Kia Soul [12]
2012 Kia Soul [13]
2012 Kia Soul [14]
2012 Kia Soul [15]
2012 Kia Soul [16]
2012 Kia Soul [17]
2012 Kia Soul [18]
2012 Kia Soul [19]
2012 Kia Soul [20]
30th Street Station
Abandoned motel, Afton Mountain, Virginia [01]
Abandoned motel, Afton Mountain, Virginia [02]
Abandoned motel, Afton Mountain, Virginia [03]
Abandoned motel, Afton Mountain, Virginia [04]
Abandoned motel, Afton Mountain, Virginia [05]
Abandoned motel, Afton Mountain, Virginia [06]
Abandoned motel, Afton Mountain, Virginia [07]
Abandoned motel, Afton Mountain, Virginia [08]
Abandoned motel, Afton Mountain, Virginia [09]
Abandoned motel, Afton Mountain, Virginia [10]
Abandoned motel, Afton Mountain, Virginia [11]
Abandoned motel, Afton Mountain, Virginia [12]
Amtrak Superliner II shower
Bad credit card
Blockbuster Video closing sale [01]
Blockbuster Video closing sale [02]
Blowing bubbles in Rock Creek Park
Capital Bikeshare station at YMCA
Carpenters Building
Carving on Humpback Rock [01]
Carving on Humpback Rock [02]
Carving on Humpback Rock [03]
Carving on Humpback Rock [04]
Carving on Humpback Rock [05]
Charging phones at Westfield Wheaton
Chicago Police boat
Chicago-approved exit sign [02]
Child at Crown Fountain
Chuck E. Cheese
Cigarette on fire alarm pull station
Clock tower on Philadelphia City Hall
Cloud Gate from beneath
Cloud Gate self portrait
Cloud Gate [01]
Cloud Gate [02]
Cloud Gate [03]
Coke bottles at Eastern Market
Colossal donuts from Shoppers
Columbia Heights station entrance
Congresswoman Donna Edwards interviewed by WRC-TV
Corn cob at Natural Bridge
Crocs shoes on Sandy Point beach
Cupola base on former Howard Johnson's restaurant
Cupola on Martinsburg roundhouse complex
Dandelion on DeJarnette property [01]
Dandelion on DeJarnette property [02]
DeJarnette Center [01]
DeJarnette Center [02]
DeJarnette Center [03]