Pigeon near the White House [01]
Steam emitting from manholes on 17th Street NW
Pigeon near the White House [02]
Export-Import Bank of the United States
Anonymous flash raid, October 9, 2009 [01]
RCA Building [01]
Lamps at Union Station [02]
Street signs at the intersection of Madison Place and H Street NW
Dupont Circle station entrance pylon, stripped [01]
Dupont Circle station entrance pylon, stripped [02]
Lamps at Union Station [01]
Anonymous flash raid, October 9, 2009 [03]
Sign for Eisenhower Executive Office Building
SunTrust Bank near the White House
Crystal Place apartment building
Crystal Mall office buildings
Washington Tower [02]
Anonymous flash raid, October 9, 2009 [02]
Skate guard at Pentagon Row
Bally Total Fitness at Pentagon Row
Funk the War 8 [07]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [01]
Funk the War 8 [05]
Protest at opening of new Church of Scientology facility in Washington, DC [02]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [04]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [05]
Funk the War 8 [09]
Funk the War 8 [10]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [21]
Protest at opening of new Church of Scientology facility in Washington, DC [05]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [02]
Protest at opening of new Church of Scientology facility in Washington, DC [06]
Ice resurfacer at Pentagon Row
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [07]
Funk the War 8 [08]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [22]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [09]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [19]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [10]
Protest at opening of new Church of Scientology facility in Washington, DC [03]
Funk the War 8 [06]
Sun through the trees at Manassas rest area
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [14]
Protest at opening of new Church of Scientology facility in Washington, DC [04]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [06]
Funk the War 8 [14]
Snow around two tree trunks
Funk the War 8 [12]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [17]
Masonic emblem in the snow
Construction barrel at Manassas rest area
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [24]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [27]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [18]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [13]
Bench at New Market rest area
Lebanese Taverna at Pentagon Row
Gamewell Century pull station in Crystal City Underground
Protest at opening of new Church of Scientology facility in Washington, DC [12]
George Washington Masonic National Memorial in snow [03]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [15]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [11]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [32]
Thaiphoon at Pentagon Row
Edwards pull station in Crystal City Underground [03]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [31]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [26]
Protest at opening of new Church of Scientology facility in Washington, DC [09]
Protest at opening of new Church of Scientology facility in Washington, DC [10]
Center court at Pentagon Row
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [30]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [16]
Parking lot at the Manassas rest area
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [12]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [08]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [33]
Skywalk between Rosslyn Center and Metro elevator
"The Sidewalk Cafe" food vendor
Starbucks at Pentagon Row
Rosslyn upper level platform [03]