Red Line train at Gallery Place-Chinatown upper level
Saturn-Shuttle concept model
Fraser Mansion [21]
Fraser Mansion [20]
Fraser Mansion [18]
Fraser Mansion [19]
Fraser Mansion [17]
Monument of Confederate War Dead at Hollywood Cemetery
Anonymous DC Richmond raid
Red Line train at Fort Totten
Fort Totten station name sign
Interior of WMATA railcar 5090
Train at Vienna/Fairfax-GMU station
Sable at House Mountain overlook [03]
Sable at Purgatory Mountain overlook [02]
Signage over entrance to Pentagon City Mall [01]
Fairfax Connector bus 7895
DASH bus 25 at King Street station
Van Dorn Street station [03]
Grounds of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial [02]
Vienna/Fairfax-GMU station at night
West Falls Church-VT/UVA station [01]
A16 World Bank protest [08]
A16 World Bank protest [06]
Blue Line train arriving at Rosslyn station
A16 World Bank protest [05]
King Street station entrance pylon [01]
Train arriving at Archives-Navy Memorial station
Farragut West station [01]
Archives-Navy Memorial station
Anacostia station
Red Line train arriving at Union Station
Anacostia station entrance pylon
Waterfront-SEU station entrance pylon
Fountain at Pentagon Row
Metro Center station [02]
Rosslyn Center [01]
Hillside Hall, with students relaxing in front
Tactile warning strip at King Street station
Construction of JMU Bookstore
Sidewalk on 1700 block of Aliceanna Street
St. Anne's Episcopal Church
Harbor Queen
KFC in Cumberland, Maryland
"No parking this side of street"
Rust-streaked urinal
Padlocked door at Cumberland Shoe Hospital
Henderson Avenue and Glenn Street
Fraser Mansion [16]
Fraser Mansion [15]
Fraser Mansion [14]
Fraser Mansion [13]
Fraser Mansion [12]
Fraser Mansion [11]
Fraser Mansion [10]
Fraser Mansion [09]
Fraser Mansion [08]
Fraser Mansion [05]
Fraser Mansion [06]
Fraser Mansion [07]
Fraser Mansion [04]
Fraser Mansion [03]
Fraser Mansion [02]
Fraser Mansion [01]
Pink wig and silver eyelashes
Exhaling cloud of cigarette smoke
Metropolitan Police car on 16th Street NW
Metrobus 2154 at 16th and P Streets
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [07]
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [06]
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [04]
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [05]
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [03]
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [02]
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [01]
Message sign in Dupont Circle
Potomac Hall from HHS Building
Festival Conference and Student Center [03]
Festival Conference and Student Center [02]
Health and Human Services Building