Wrap and chips at Mug Shots
Westbound Cardinal train in Staunton [04]
Westbound Cardinal train in Staunton [03]
Westbound Cardinal train in Staunton [02]
Westbound Cardinal train in Staunton [01]
Wall signage at Fort Totten station, lower level
Third rail at Fort Totten station
Space Shuttle Discovery [08]
Space Shuttle Discovery [07]
Space Shuttle Discovery [06]
Space Shuttle Discovery [05]
Space Shuttle Discovery [04]
Space Shuttle Discovery [03]
Space Shuttle Discovery [02]
Space Shuttle Discovery [01]
Shenandoah Acres [06]
Shenandoah Acres [05]
Shenandoah Acres [04]
Shenandoah Acres [03]
Shenandoah Acres [02]
Shenandoah Acres [01]
Ryan Rastegar and Katy Kiefer
Rainbow over Federal Plaza [02]
Rainbow over Federal Plaza [01]
Rainbow over Federal Plaza
PIDS screen at Gallery Place-Chinatown station
Northgate Shopping Center [03]
Northgate Shopping Center [02]
Northgate Shopping Center [01]
Natural Bridge of Virginia [08]
Natural Bridge of Virginia [07]
Natural Bridge of Virginia [06]
Natural Bridge of Virginia [05]
Natural Bridge of Virginia [04]
Natural Bridge of Virginia [03]
Natural Bridge of Virginia [02]
Natural Bridge of Virginia [01]
Marker coil at Fort Totten station
Golf cart sign
Global Frackdown
Foamhenge [07]
Foamhenge [06]
Foamhenge [05]
Foamhenge [04]
Foamhenge [03]
Foamhenge [02]
Foamhenge [01]
Corn cob at Natural Bridge
Columbia Heights station entrance
"Under same management for over 2000 years"