The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [12]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [11]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [10]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [09]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [08]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [07]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [06]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [05]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [04]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [03]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [02]
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial [01]
Washington Monument in late afternoon [02]
Washington Monument in late afternoon [01]
Washington Monument from Constitution Gardens
Grasshopper in hand
Pepsi Throwback
Mountain Dew Throwback
"This church is prayer conditioned"
Ft. Dearborn on the Chicago River [01]
Ft. Dearborn on the Chicago River [02]
Ramp Closed
Giraffe at Lincoln Park Zoo [01]
Chicago-approved exit sign [01]
Family Matters House
Macy's at Water Tower Place [01]
Simplex pull station at Museum of Science and Industry
Wheelock speaker strobe at Museum of Science and Industry
Purple Line express train
CTA Davis station [02]
Purple Line train at Davis station [02]
Martin's in Waynesboro, Virginia [01]
Walmart in Waynesboro, Virginia [01]
SigCom pull station with Simplex branding
Boston fire alarm street box [01]
Mother Goose headstone
Brewer Fountain
Boston, Massachusetts [01]
Professor World Band
Wheelock MT at Quincy Adams station
Boston Zombie Walk [03]
Boston Zombie Walk [04]
Boston Zombie Walk [02]
Boston Zombie Walk [01]
Hooper Mansion
Boston Police cruiser
Ballston-MU station [02]
Ballston-MU station [01]
Federal Center SW station entrance pylon [02]
Door 9/10 on 1000-Series car
New Carrollton station entrance pylon
New Carrollton station [03]
New Carrollton station [02]
Missing and cracked platform tiles at New Carrollton
Train approaches Landover station
Kiosk and faregates at Landover station
Security cameras at Landover station
Landover station [03]
Breda 3151 labelscar
Blank 1000-Series number plate
Cheverly station [02]
Orange Line train at Cheverly
Station name plaque at Cheverly
Cheverly station [01]
Station entrance pylon at Cheverly
Metrobus 6003 at Cheverly
Deanwood station [02]
Deanwood station [01]
Minnesota Avenue station [03]
Train at Minnesota Avenue station
Train arriving at Minnesota Avenue station
Minnesota Avenue station [02]
Orange Line train at Minnesota Avenue
PIDS screens at East Falls Church
East Falls Church station entrance pylon
East Falls Church station [01]
Silver Line bridge pier
Platform pylon at Dunn Loring station [02]
Platform pylon at Dunn Loring station [01]
Dunn Loring station [02]