Remodel of Walmart Supercenter in Lexington, Virginia [02]
Remodel of Walmart Supercenter in Lexington, Virginia [03]
Remodel of Walmart Supercenter in Lexington, Virginia [04]
Remodel of Walmart Supercenter in Lexington, Virginia [01]
Fairfax Connector bus 7895
DASH bus 25 at King Street station
Van Dorn Street station [03]
Grounds of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial [02]
Vienna/Fairfax-GMU station at night
West Falls Church-VT/UVA station [01]
A16 World Bank protest [08]
A16 World Bank protest [06]
Blue Line train arriving at Rosslyn station
A16 World Bank protest [05]
Robert & Frances Plecker Athletic Performance Center
Harrisonburg Transit bus 49 at Hoffman Hall
UTS bus 1237 crossing University Avenue
TheBus 63025 at Morgan Boulevard station
Harrisonburg Transit bus 49 at Godwin Hall
Harrisonburg Transit bus 55 at Varner House
Scoreboard at Bridgeforth Stadium
Metrobus 5321 at Silver Spring station
McPherson Square station [01]
National Airport station
Greta in her bed
Braddock Road station at night
Inauguration protest, 2005 [22]
Largo Town Center station [02]
Front end at Walmart in Roanoke, Virginia
Largo Town Center station [01]
FedEx Field from Largo Town Center garage
Metrobus 3705 at Connecticut Avenue and Q Street NW
Farecard machines at Morgan Boulevard station
Morgan Boulevard station
Walmart Supercenter in Bedford, Virginia [02]
Train at Stadium-Armory [01]
Walmart Supercenter in Bedford, Virginia [01]
Pentagon City station [01]
Red Line train at New York Ave-Florida Ave-Gallaudet U station
Free Republic counter-protest outside of Arlington National Cemetery
Dead wing at Tanglewood Mall
Million Worker March [10]
Crowd at anti-war protest outside of Arlington National Cemetery
Woman wearing black bandanna
Yellow Line train arriving at National Airport
Grosvenor-Strathmore station [01]
Train at Cleveland Park station
Cleveland Park station [02]
Minnesota Avenue station [01]
Cleveland Park station [01]
Yellow Line train servicing L'Enfant Plaza
L'Enfant Plaza station [01]
Green Line train at L'Enfant Plaza
Walmart deli and snack bar
Gallery Place-Chinatown upper level
Train arriving at Prince George's Plaza station
Mt. Vernon Square station [01]
Virginia Sq-GMU station [01]
Blue Line train at Rosslyn
Platform at Franconia-Springfield [01]
Cigarette vending machine
Dunn Loring station [01]
Curved platform at Brookland-CUA
Wheaton station, outbound side [01]
Ride On bus 5368 at Glenmont
Station artwork at Branch Avenue
Naylor Road station
Congress Heights station
Waterfront-SEU station
Navy Yard station
Train arriving at Smithsonian station
Potomac Avenue station entrance pylon
Benning Road station [01]
Platform at Deanwood
Crowds at L'Enfant Plaza station
Federal Center SW station from mezzanine
Renovation of Harrison Hall Annex
Warren Hall loft
Simplex fire alarm horn/strobe in Warren Hall [02]
Simplex fire alarm horn/strobe in Warren Hall [01]