Interstate 68, Exit 43D
Railroad crossbuck
CSX locomotive 578 [01]
Town Clock Church [02]
Abandoned shopping cart
Taco Bell/Pizza Hut [02]
Labcorp in former Dunkin Donuts [03]
Shopping cart on Park Street
Baltimore and Centre Streets
American flag flying
Labcorp in former Dunkin Donuts [02]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad locomotive #734 [06]
Amtrak locomotive 201
Labcorp in former Dunkin Donuts [01]
Cumberland Shoe Hospital
Pedestrian tunnel under Queen City Drive
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad station [06]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad tracks [03]
Anarchy sign painted in Cumberland, Maryland pedestrian tunnel
Martin's in Cumberland, Maryland [02]
Traffic light at Park and Williams Streets [02]
Anarchy sign painted on a wall
Martin's in Cumberland, Maryland [01]
Traffic signal with cameras
Highway signs
Traffic light at Park and Williams Streets [01]
Last car of the Capitol Limited
WTBO sign and transmitter, viewed from below
Intersection of Bedford Street and Henderson Avenue
WTBO sign [01]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad station [05]
Pro-marijuana graffiti
Yellow fire hydrant
Amtrak signage at Cumberland station
Railroad crossing lights at Baltimore Street
End of a CSX freight train
Railroad signals in Cumberland [02]
CSX "No Trespassing" sign
KFC in Cumberland, Maryland
Nonstandard US 220 highway shield
Davidson Street and Henderson Avenue
Kia Soul at Gene Mason Sports Complex [02]
Kia Soul at Gene Mason Sports Complex [03]
Kia Soul at Gene Mason Sports Complex [05]
Railroad signals in Cumberland [01]
CSX locomotive 578 [02]
Potomac River at Cumberland [01]
Kia Soul at Gene Mason Sports Complex [01]
Kia Soul at Gene Mason Sports Complex [04]
Painted houses on Bedford Street [03]
402 Park Street
Railroad tracks through Cumberland
Railroad tracks through Cumberland
Bedford Street
Taco Bell/Pizza Hut [01]
Steeple of Friendship Haven Church
Right Lane Must Turn Right
Town Clock Church [04]
600 block of Elm Street
Town Clock Church [01]
Queen City Pavement
Town Clock Church [03]
Padlocked door at Cumberland Shoe Hospital
Henderson Avenue and Glenn Street
Downtown Cumberland, Maryland [03]
Railroad signal with button copy [04]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad locomotive #734 [03]
Amtrak 120 arriving at Cumberland
WTBO [01]
"No Trespassing" sign on post office fence
Satellite dish on roof of home
WTBO [03]
Railroad signal with button copy [01]
Downtown Cumberland, Maryland [04]
WTBO sign at night [02]
WTBO sign [02]
Railroad signal with button copy [03]
WTBO [02]
Downtown Cumberland, Maryland [01]
Union Switch & Signal builder's plate