Cap on a bottle of Sprite
Cap on a milk jug
Cap on a milk carton [02]
Cap on a bottle of chocolate syrup
Cap on a milk carton [01]
Avocado skin
Honeycrisp apple at Giant Food
Kiwi fruit at Giant Food
Granny Smith apple at Giant Food [02]
Granny Smith apple at Giant Food [01]
Opal apple at Giant Food [02]
McIntosh apple at Giant Food
Opal apple at Giant Food [01]
Donuts at Sheetz in Chantilly [03]
Donuts at Sheetz in Chantilly [02]
Donuts at Sheetz in Chantilly [01]
Energy drink cans at Sheetz
Abandoned breakfast at East Falls Church station [02]
Abandoned breakfast at East Falls Church station [01]
Broccoli floret
Pickle from Jimmy John's
Pork butt in the crock pot
Acme in Brigantine, New Jersey
Gelato at Tazza Caffe [03]
Long bananas at Tazza Caffe
Gelato at Tazza Caffe [04]
Gelato at Tazza Caffe [02]
Gelato at Tazza Caffe [01]
Trash in the parking lot at Deptford Mall
Potato chip on the pavement
Beets at a farmers' market
Love's bottled water
Woomy takes a granola bar
Woomy sits on a porch swing
Individually packaged bagels at Walmart
Aunt Jemima pancake syrup
Shelf full of Mountain Dew
Land O'Lakes butter at Giant Food
Cheerwine at soda fountain
Individually wrapped breakfast pastries
Jars of alcoholic pickles
Individually-wrapped donut at Wawa
Prepackaged salad bar at Harris Teeter [04]
Prepackaged salad bar at Harris Teeter [03]
Prepackaged salad bar at Harris Teeter [02]
Prepackaged salad bar at Harris Teeter [01]
A frosty mug of milk
5-Hour Energy
Inside of Cadbury Creme Egg
IKEA meatballs
Walmart on H Street NW [01]
Produce section at Four Corners Safeway
Thai salad from Panera Bread