Juicy Burger
Winky Lux display
Closed dining room at La Casita
Sign asking customers to wear gloves
Purchase limit notice
Closed water fountains
Shopping cart with table in it
Closed Starbucks store at Target
Empty toilet paper aisle at Target
Empty paper towel aisle at Target
Sign encouraging social distancing at Lowe's
Food bar discontinued at Harris Teeter
Health check sign at Deer Park Office Center
Stop work order at Mac Business Solutions
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [01]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [02]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [03]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [04]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [05]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [06]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [07]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [08]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [09]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [10]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [11]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [12]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [13]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [14]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [15]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [16]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [17]
N2277T lands at the Montgomery County Airpark
N2927Q lands at the Montgomery County Airpark [01]
N2927Q lands at the Montgomery County Airpark [02]
N8948C lands at the Montgomery County Airpark
Northern mockingbird in a parking lot
Hummer H1 at Lowe's
Pair of discarded medical gloves
CarMax in Gaithersburg, Maryland [01]
CarMax in Gaithersburg, Maryland [02]
Weis at Walnut Hill Shopping Center [01]
Weis at Walnut Hill Shopping Center [02]
Weis at Walnut Hill Shopping Center [03]
Weis at Walnut Hill Shopping Center [04]
Weis at Walnut Hill Shopping Center [05]
Weis at Walnut Hill Shopping Center [06]
Weis at Walnut Hill Shopping Center [07]
Weis at Walnut Hill Shopping Center [08]
Weis at Walnut Hill Shopping Center [09]
Weis at Walnut Hill Shopping Center [10]
Weis at Walnut Hill Shopping Center [11]
Ghost shoes [01]
Ghost shoes [02]
Elyse in the driver's seat
Rays of sun over Gaithersburg, Maryland [01]
Rays of sun over Gaithersburg, Maryland [02]
Rays of sun over Gaithersburg, Maryland [03]
Rays of sun over Gaithersburg, Maryland [04]
Mask and glove disposal bin
Sign explaining alleged safety measures at Target
Former Chuck E. Cheese in Gaithersburg, Maryland [01]
Former Chuck E. Cheese in Gaithersburg, Maryland [02]
Former Chuck E. Cheese in Gaithersburg, Maryland [03]
Former Chuck E. Cheese in Gaithersburg, Maryland [04]
Former Chuck E. Cheese in Gaithersburg, Maryland [05]
Former Weis store in Gaithersburg, Maryland [01]
Former Weis store in Gaithersburg, Maryland [02]