- Former location of Downey's Restaurant
- Graffiti on South Street pedestrian walkway [01]
- Graffiti on South Street pedestrian walkway [02]
- Faded and tagged stop sign in Langhorne, Pennsylvania
- Mailbox covered with graffiti and stickers on 7th Avenue
- Fire and police call box at West 112th Street and Broadway [01]
- Fire and police call box at West 112th Street and Broadway [02]
- Fire and police call box at West 112th Street and Broadway [03]
- "Live, love, laugh" on traffic signal control box
- Mailbox at Varick and Downing Streets in Greenwich Village
- Wilkes Street Tunnel [08]
- Wilkes Street Tunnel [09]
- Wilkes Street Tunnel [10]
- Wilkes Street Tunnel [11]
- Wilkes Street Tunnel [12]
- Wilkes Street Tunnel [13]
- "L+A" spray painted on a pegboard
- Red happy face on a wall
- "We need more affordable housing, Stoney!"
- "Stop evictions!"
- "BOOM" on a nametag sticker
- Graffiti at former power plant in Richmond [01]
- Graffiti at former power plant in Richmond [02]
- "Do not read this sentence"
- Drawing of an elephant pooping
- "Hektad vs. Banksy" sidewalk graffiti
- Happy face on a column rivet
- WMATA railcar 3166 at Huntington
- Face drawn on a wall
- Southwark Generating Station [01]
- Southwark Generating Station [02]
- Southwark Generating Station [03]
- Southwark Generating Station [04]
- Southwark Generating Station [05]
- Southwark Generating Station [06]
- Southwark Generating Station [07]
- Southwark Generating Station [08]
- Wheelock AS at Walnut-Locust station [01]
- Wheelock AS at Walnut-Locust station [02]
- Graffiti on Loblaws building
- Sidewalk graffiti along Rideau Street
- Graffiti on traffic signal control box in Gatineau
- Utility access panel at the Cathedral of Learning
- Fire alarm at Primanti Bros. [01]
- Fire alarm at Primanti Bros. [02]
- Blind corner sign
- "Pecos" graffiti on a railing
- Graffiti on a utility box in an alley
- Rusted no parking sign in an alley [01]
- "Log in and stay a while"
- Sidewalk graffiti on North Lincoln Avenue
- Graffiti on "L" train support
- Marker graffiti on a window
- Graffiti on a boulder in Sheboygan, Wisconsin
- "Stop and kiss"
- Marker graffiti at East 55th Street station
- Marker graffiti at East 55th Street station
- Graffiti in the parking lot at Orchard Hill Square